Oct 12, 1492
columbus lands in the bahamas thinking he was in texas yet he never even enterd texas -
Jun 2, 1519
pineda maps the coastline from present day florida to present day texas -
Aug 30, 1521
hernan cortes
cortes lands in present day mexico in 1519. two years later he counquerd the aztec empier. they tore down the aztec capital -
Nov 7, 1528
cabeza de vaca
3 men and him survived narvaez by being shipwreck on galvestine island. they are captured by indians and held prisoner for many years -
Feb 26, 1539
first black man in america. agreed to take an epedition to searcc for the seven cities of gold. -
Jul 26, 1540
searched for the seven cities of gold and found nothing -
claimed rio grand valley for spain