4 TechYES Certified Students for 2010/11 School Year
Report to Cancryn School
Meet with Ms. Pilgrim, Mr. Wheatley, Ms. Aguila.
Told that I will be at this school for "a while"
-Ms. Aguila gives me a rundown of the EdTech program and issues at the school.
--Internet down a good deal of the time
--laptops in the library do not work.
--computer in the library cannot connect to the Internet -
Period: to
Explore and Learn About School Culture & EdTech Situation
-learning the campus, teachers, students, schedules
-Experiencing and working through how day-to-day operations really take place.
-Classroom instruction
-student learning
---in and out of school -
Period: to
TechYES/Science Computer Lab Closed
Lab unavialble because of no AC. I am not able to get a key. -
Period: to
CH 2&3 Internet Safety and Ethics/Becoming a Web Critic
Teachers and student cover these in class. -
Period: to
TechYES Intro and Planning with Teachers
-Intro to TechYES
--Ms. Aguila
--Ms. Pratt
--Ms. Penn
----Ms. Vanterpool participated last year
Discuss how TechYES can work at Cancryn and come to a consensus on how it should be carried out -
Introduction of TechYES to Students
Period: to
TechYES with Ms. Vanterpool and Ms. Penn
Period: to
TechYES Student Enrollment
Students sign up for TechYES accounts -
1st TechYES Student Certification for 2011/12
Student from last year -
Period: to
TechYES CH 1&2 TechYES What's That/Internet Safety and Ethics
Students and teachers cover this material in class. -
TechYES Presented at Cancryn Open House
Period: to
Chapter 2&3 Internet Safety and Ethics/Becoming a Web Critic
Period: to
Cancryn Teacher PD
Intro to EdTech Workshop Most teachers from the school attend.
Google Docs -
Period: to
Online Documents
-Student set up online docs using Google Docs -
Period: to
Surveys Vanterpool
Meeting with Mentors
??Ms. Pratt Leaves??
TechYES Project Start
Period: to
Lunch with Mentors
Meet with TechYES student mentors and students who are interested in becoming mentors.
--Work with Web 2.0 apps Not so successfull
-Internet and computer do not work -
Period: to
TechYES/Science Compuer Lab Open 6 out of 22 computers working
AC working, many computers not working. Cannot access the Internet as no one has the ADMIN password
24 Dell Computer (all over 6 years old)
6 Not working
13 mice are missing ( the computer mouses we do have are the types with the balls). No Printer
No projection devices -
Period: to
Christmas Holiday
Period: to
TechYES Mentor Program After School
Lunch with Mentors was not a success. Students suggested meeting after school. This turns into the Cancryn Project. -
2nd TechYES Student Certified
Period: to
Cancryn Project
BCB Mr. Farrow Email
Receive email about me coming to BCB School -
Period: to
School Assignment Issue Cancryn/BCB
Plato PD
2nd Marking Period Begins
Sen. Millin-Youn Interview
PLC Meeting
Mr. Doug Carson Inventor of the CD/DVD?Xbox Visits TechYES Student
Man Up UVI
Period: to
Meeting with Ms. Diaz/Penn to continue TechYES with Ms. Penn's class
Period: to
Computers in Rm 708????
TechYES Mentor Doug Carson Visit
Doug Carson inventor of the CD, DVD, and developer of the Xbox with Microsoft visit with students after school. -
Period: to
TechYES with Ms. DIaz's Social Studies Class
Period: to
Social Studies Computers in RM 708
Donated computers set up, sfw installed, STLs assist. Computers up and running on Internet until ETAN upgrade. Access no longer possible after upgrade. -
2 TechYES Students Certified Ready
Black History Month Celebration
TechYES/Science Computer Lab Mouses Purchased and Installed
Period: to
TechYES Continuation with Ms. Vanterpool in RM607
Period: to
TechYES with Mr. G's Computer Class
3 Students TechYES Certified
Period: to
TechYES/Science Lab Ms. Diaz Students
5 computers now connect to the Internet sort of. Bring in Ms. Diaz classes to make a go of using these as we cannot use the donated computers in her room. -
Meet with Ms. Spencer on EdTech Programs
Global Sohool House Project
--ELwood -
Met with Ms. Thompson
Khan UniverstiyDiscussed Khan University and "Flipping the Classroom" -
Period: to
VITAL Testing
VITAL testing all AM. VITAL prep in many afternoons. Cancryn Project students use most of this time for prep. -
7 TechYES Students Certified Ready
Period: to
Easter Holiday
Meet with Ms. Corbett on Her Students Jioning TechYES
Discuss the how this will work.
--Start with 2 drafting classes with Prezi projects
--May move on to the AVID Class. -
Period: to
Carnival Holiday
Period: to
Ms. Corbett TechYES
Two Drafting Classes
AVID Class -
Period: to
Cnacryn VI History Museum
TechYES/Science Computer Lab 1 computer upgraded
One computer was given a new ADMIN password. Still does not connect to the Internet -
Decide Sceince / TechYES Lab is not Functional
Period: to
TechYES with Ms. Corbett's Drafting Classes
TechYES Numbers
21 TechYES Certified Students
5 Mentors
71 Approved Projects -
Cancryn Power Web Site Launched at Academic Night
28 TechYES Certified Students for 2011/12. 81 Approved Projects