A typical day within the classroom usually requires the use of the Elmo, which is used to project images. This projector is traditionally used for instruction modeling. -
Within special education classrooms, students can use iPad's as a form of communication by uploading applications like GoTalk20+ -
Teachers typically use a Smart Board to mirror the images from their computer to the board. Making lesson enhancements easily visible to students. -
Students are encouraged to use Chromebooks to access learning programs such as Prodigy and Lexia. -
Desk Tops
Though vintage in nature, students will use traditional desk tops to engage in on-line software programs like Lexia. -
Graphing Calculaters
On occasion, students will make use of graphing calculators to digitally perform math problems. -
Believe it or not, some classrooms still use televisions to play DVD's and other forms of learning materials. When I was a CTT I was in a classroom that did not have a computer and SMARTboard set up. They did however issue a TV. -
In science classrooms, students will typically have access to microscopes. They'll use them to make microorganisms visible to the human eye. -
Some teachers use microphones in the room to make it easier to talk to the students, or allow for students with soft voices to be heard. -
Head Set
Students traditionally use head sets when they engage in online content.