Technology Timeline

  • Blockchain Technology

    Blockchain Technology
    Blockchain is a cryptocurrency financial services company created in 2009. Along with its creation came the infamous “Bitcoin”
  • Deep Learning Breakthroughs

    Deep Learning Breakthroughs
    Deep learning breakthroughs included a method involving Artificial Intelligence to teach computers to process data like the human brain.
  • Quantum Computing Developments

    Quantum Computing Developments
    In 2009 the first small scale device that could be called a Quantum Computer was invented. This represents a huge step forward.
  • CRISPR-Cas9 BioInformatics

    CRISPR-Cas9 BioInformatics
    This was the introduction of Gene-editing in the medical industry. It is a massive breakthrough in technology.
  • 5G Technology

    5G Technology
    5G was developed in 2015 and was designed to connect everyone and everything together virtually. This was the new wireless standard.