Technology Standards and Needs Assessment
2015-16 - Analysis of the California Standards and the Strands which refer to the use of technology along with ISTE Student Standards. Determine student and teacher needs (hardware, Professional Development, etc.) Professional Development will be established in phases to support teachers’ instructional delivery of the Technology Standards. -
Learning Environments & Professional Development
2016-17 - All children will have iPADs assigned to them. Public Environments (library & learning labs) and classroom environments will be revamped for collaborative instruction for grades 3 & 4. Furniture will be replaced along with necessary accessories and Smart Boards or Projectors for digital and collaborative learning. Phases 1 & 2 of PD will be delivered with expectations of classroom implementation in the classroom. -
Continuation of the Learning Environments & Professional Development
2017-18 - iPADS will continued to be assigned to all students. Redesign of classroom environments with accessories and projection will extend from grades 3-6. Phases 3 & 4 of PD will be delivered and supported with expectations of classroom implementation in the classrooms of PD phases 1-4. Rubrics for assessment of Technology Instruction will be developed. -
Rennovation Continues and Assessments
2018-19 - Assessment of Student Technology use will be given three times throughout the year to acquire data. PLCs will analyze to review student achievement. -
Next Steps
Based on Technology and Academic Data revisions will be made to ensure Technology has been updated, Professional Development is aligned to current academic and ISTE Standards and that the Learning Environments are conducive to collaboration and they are used as a learning tool.