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Technology in the Common Core: 10 month implementation

  • Intended Outcomes

    Intended Outcomes
    • Develop purpose for Ed Tech Integration
    • Begin to build shared Vision, Mission, Values, Goals
    • Develop and apply staff GAFE skills in work with colleagues and students
    • Students will learn and apply digital citizenship skills and use Web 2.0 tools
  • Implementation Launch

    Implementation Launch
    Introduce purpose for tech integration:
    CCSS call for students to master content/basic skills, and critical dispositions like analysis, research, inquiry, and deeper learning outcomes, such as communication skills, critical thinking and problem-solving. Resources:
    21st Century Learning Skills (P21 Framework)
    ISTE Standards
    CSS Tech Connections/Skills
  • Revisit Intended Outcomes with Leadership Team

    Revisit Intended Outcomes with Leadership Team
    The Leadership Team will revisit the outcomes and determine need for any revisions. The team will finalize the big ideas for Vision, Mission, Values, Goals. Draft Vision:
  • Device Implementation

    Device Implementation
    Our school will begin a student device implementation of iPads and Chromebooks; the ratio will be approx 3:1 students per device.
  • Admin Data Collection, Reflection, and Sharing

    Admin Data Collection, Reflection, and Sharing
    Identify tool to be used by admin to collect data about the following intended outcomes:
    • Develop and Apply Staff GAFE skills in work with colleagues and students
    • Students will learn and apply digital citizenship skills and use Web 2.0 tools. Admin to reflect on data monthly and revise tool as necessary.
    Admin to determine how data will be communicated.
  • Digital Citizenship

    Digital Citizenship
    Provide staff with research and resources related to digital citizenship. Establish the need for staff to learn about Digital Citizenship, and in turn model, teach, and monitor students' application of these skills.
  • Launch JOT (Just One Thing) for GAFE and Web2.0 Tools

    Launch JOT (Just One Thing) for GAFE and Web2.0 Tools
    Monthly or bi-monthly PD related to Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Calendar, and Chrome (inluding apps and extensions), and other Web 2.0 tools.
    PD methodolgy will be learn by doing - attendees will use the particular tool in the context of their role at school.
    Admin will lead the JOT initially and invite other staff to take on future JOTs.
  • Attend SGV Cue

    Attend SGV Cue
    Attend SGV CUE conference with members of staff. Utilize time at conference for discussion about our progress. What trends are we seeing at CUE that can inform our work?
  • Leadership Team Check-In

    Leadership Team Check-In
    The Team will discuss how implementation of tech tools and devices is going and identify what needs teachers have. Plan for related PD and/or collaboration to provide support.
  • Admin Data Collection, Reflection, and Sharing

    Admin Data Collection, Reflection, and Sharing
    Identify tool to be used by admin to collect data about the following intended outcomes:
    • Develop and Apply Staff GAFE skills in work with colleagues and students
    • Students will learn and apply digital citizenship skills and use Web 2.0 tools. Admin to reflect on data monthly and revise tool as necessary.
    Admin to determine how data will be communicated.
  • Leadership Team Data Collection

    Leadership Team Data Collection
    The Leadership Team will identify tools and methods to collect data about our Intended Outcomes:
    • Develop Purpose for Ed Tech Integration
    • Build Shared Vision, Mission, Values, Goals
    • Develop and Apply Staff GAFE skills in work with colleagues and students
    • Students will learn and apply digital citizenship skills and use Web 2.0 tools
  • November JOT (Just One Thing) for GAFE and Web2.0 Tools

    November JOT (Just One Thing) for GAFE and Web2.0 Tools
    Monthly or bi-monthly PD related to Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Calendar, and Chrome (inluding apps and extensions), and other Web 2.0 tools.
    PD methodolgy will be learn by doing - attendees will use the particular tool in the context of their role at school.
    Admin will lead the JOT initially and invite other staff to take on future JOTs.
  • Digital Citizenship Check In

    Digital Citizenship Check In
    Grade level teams will discuss the progress of modeling, teaching, and monitoring students' application of Digital Citizenship skills. A vertical team process will be used to share information across grade levels.
  • Winter Break - time to decompress and recharge

    Winter Break - time to decompress and recharge
  • January JOT (Just One Thing) for GAFE and Web2.0 Tools

    January JOT (Just One Thing) for GAFE and Web2.0 Tools
    Monthly or bi-monthly PD related to Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Calendar, and Chrome (inluding apps and extensions), and other Web 2.0 tools.
    PD methodolgy will be learn by doing - attendees will use the particular tool in the context of their role at school.
    Admin will lead the JOT initially and invite other staff to take on future JOTs.
  • Admin Data Collection, Reflection, and Sharing

    Admin Data Collection, Reflection, and Sharing
    Identify tool to be used by admin to collect data about the following intended outcomes:
    • Develop and Apply Staff GAFE skills in work with colleagues and students
    • Students will learn and apply digital citizenship skills and use Web 2.0 tools. Admin to reflect on data monthly and revise tool as necessary.
    Admin to determine how data will be communicated.
  • Digital Citizenship Check-In

    Digital Citizenship Check-In
    Grade level teams will discuss the progress of modeling, teaching, and monitoring students' application of Digital Citizenship skills. A vertcal team process will be used to share information across grade levels.
  • February JOT (Just One Thing) for GAFE and Web2.0 Tools

    February JOT (Just One Thing) for GAFE and Web2.0 Tools
    Monthly or bi-monthly PD related to Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Calendar, and Chrome (inluding apps and extensions), and other Web 2.0 tools.
    PD methodolgy will be learn by doing - attendees will use the particular tool in the context of their role at school.
    Admin will lead the JOT initially and invite other staff to take on future JOTs.
  • Leadership Team Check-In

    Leadership Team Check-In
    The Team will discuss how implementation of tech tools and devices is going and identify what needs teachers have. Plan for related PD and/or collaboration to provide support.
  • Attend Cue Conference

    Attend Cue Conference
    Attend CUE conference with members of staff. Utilize time at conference for discussion about our progress.
    What trends are we seeing at CUE that can inform our work?
    Conduct big-idea brainstorming and planning.
  • March JOT (Just One Thing) for GAFE and Web2.0 Tools

    March JOT (Just One Thing) for GAFE and Web2.0 Tools
    Monthly or bi-monthly PD related to Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Calendar, and Chrome (inluding apps and extensions), and other Web 2.0 tools.
    PD methodolgy will be learn by doing - attendees will use the particular tool in the context of their role at school.
    Admin will lead the JOT initially and invite other staff to take on future JOTs.
  • Digital Citizenship Check-In

    Digital Citizenship Check-In
    Grade level teams will discuss the progress of modeling, teaching, and monitoring students' application of Digital Citizenship skills. A vertcal team process will be used to share information across grade levels.
  • Admin Data Collection, Reflection, and Sharin

    Admin Data Collection, Reflection, and Sharin
    Identify tool to be used by admin to collect data about the following intended outcomes:
    • Develop and Apply Staff GAFE skills in work with colleagues and students
    • Students will learn and apply digital citizenship skills and use Web 2.0 tools. Admin to reflect on data monthly and revise tool as necessary.
    Admin to determine how data will be communicated.
  • April JOT (Just One Thing) for GAFE and Web2.0 Tools

    April JOT (Just One Thing) for GAFE and Web2.0 Tools
    Monthly or bi-monthly PD related to Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Calendar, and Chrome (inluding apps and extensions), and other Web 2.0 tools.
    PD methodolgy will be learn by doing - attendees will use the particular tool in the context of their role at school.
    Admin will lead the JOT initially and invite other staff to take on future JOTs.
  • Admin Data Collection, Reflection, and Sharin

    Admin Data Collection, Reflection, and Sharin
    Identify tool to be used by admin to collect data about the following intended outcomes:
    • Develop and Apply Staff GAFE skills in work with colleagues and students
    • Students will learn and apply digital citizenship skills and use Web 2.0 tools Admin to reflect on data monthly and revise tool as necessary.
    Admin to determine how data will be communicated.
  • Final Evaluation and Planning for 2016-2017

    Final Evaluation and Planning for 2016-2017
    The Leadership Team will review the data collected and evaluate our Intended Outcomes:
    • Develop Purpose for Ed Tech Integration
    • Build Shared Vision, Mission, Values, Goals
    • Develop and Apply Staff GAFE skills in work with colleagues and students
    • Students will learn and apply digital citizenship skills and use Web 2.0 tools The Leadership Team will identify outcomes and goals for the 2016-2017 school year