Technology in education Teaching21st

  • 30,000 BCE

    Cave drawings

    Cave drawings
  • 510 BCE

    Pythagoras school

    Pythagoras school
    School based on Pythagoras teachings
  • 400 BCE

    Asking-answering questions

    Asking-answering questions
    Socrates teaching
  • 201

    Paper used for writing

    Paper used for writing
  • 901

    Cathedral schools

    Cathedral schools
    Centres of learning in the Middle Age opened by the monks.
  • 1450

    Gutenberg printing press

    Gutenberg printing press
    Availability of manually copied manuscripts
  • Horn-books

    Public education emerged
  • Magic lantern

    Magic lantern
    Projection of printed images of glass frames onto the walls in darkened classrooms
  • First attempt at distance education

    First attempt at distance education
    Use of postcards for feedback
  • Modern blackboard

    Modern blackboard
    A large piece of slate hung on the classroom wall. James Pillans.
  • Pencils and papers

    Pencils and papers
    Replacing slates and chalks
  • Radio

  • Film projector

    Film projector
  • First ballpoint

    First ballpoint
  • Mimeographs

  • Headphones and Tvs

    Headphones and Tvs
  • Overhead projectors

    Overhead projectors
  • VHS, VCR and audio tapes

    VHS, VCR and audio tapes
  • Handheld calculator

    Handheld calculator
  • First personal computer - first educational video games

    First personal computer - first educational video games
    Oregon Trail
  • IBM PCs

    IBM PCs
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    Send e-mails and research the internet
  • Interactive white board and the Web

    Interactive white board and the Web
    1990s digital age
  • Smart response system, laptops and cameras

    Smart response system, laptops and cameras
    2000s Interactive age
  • DVD, Blu-ray, digital downloads, online streaming, HDTV...

    DVD, Blu-ray, digital downloads, online streaming, HDTV...
  • Flash drives, Memory Cards, and Cloud storage

    Flash drives, Memory Cards, and Cloud storage
  • Social networks

    Social networks
    Twitter, Facebook, YouTube...
  • Webcams and video calling platforms

    Webcams and video calling platforms
  • Tablets, smartphones, smartboards, QRs, NFCs...

    Tablets, smartphones, smartboards, QRs, NFCs...
  • Classroom robots

    Classroom robots