Technology in Education

By Rozina
  • Period: to

    Radio to Web

  • Radio Books and Radio Education

    Radio Books and Radio Education
    Radio books were one of the first forms of distance education as well as an early integration of the latest technology in to learning (Novark, 2009-2014). Radio became a successful application for education because many uses were devised from it, such as educational broadcasts, and radio is still being used in underdeveloped nations for education (Berman, 2008).
  • TV Teaching

    TV Teaching
    In the late 1930’s TV was said to be a revolutionary tool for education (Novark, 2009-2014). The use of TV for educational purposes was changed with the introduction of video recordings about a decade after the TV became widespread. Today Video recordings are still used in classrooms and used for learning in a multitude of ways, educational shows are one example and others include the use of more advanced technology.
  • Computers, the New Tool

    Computers, the New Tool
    During the 1960’s computers were developed that allowed for the transmission of information and quick calculation of data.
  • Personal Computers

    Personal Computers
    From the development of the primitive and full room computers and during the 1970’s computers got smaller and allowed personal use, this device was used as a tool for learning math and business but learning programs also were a product of this innovation (Kerr & Slepkov, 2001).
  • Word Processing

    Word Processing
    Word processing was developed and helped writers write more efficentley and learners learn how to write efficentley. From its development word processing has only gotten more expancive in capability and use.
  • Social Networks

    Social Networks
    Social networking like Facebook and Twitter provide users the opportunity to discuss and learn about any topic from a large range of people from around the world. YouTube provides users to create and search for almost videos on almost any topic. Social networks are truly worldwide connection between people and people created content and ideas.
  • WWW

    The internet connected computers together across land and oceans; it is a more efficient means of communication across any distance than had previously been available. A multitude of modes of information, text, audio, and video can now be shared easily and to any computer also connected to the network.
  • Wiki

    The first Wiki site was installed in 1995 and has since become the largest encyclopedia ever put together but also the most popular place for people to co-construct information (Wikipedia, 2015).
  • Ebooks and Readers

    Ebooks and Readers
    E-books and e-readers become popular and changed actual books to digital versions and allowing for more access to more people of information (The Guardian, 2015)
  • Mobile Devices

    Mobile Devices
    Mobile devices puts learning in the palm of a hand and allows for anytime anywhere access to information.
  • Podcasts

    Podcasts allow people to down load any studio content and listen to it when and wherever they may be at the time. The podcast could be used by students to listen to information or as a tool to create their own audio snip of information (Siegle, 2007).
  • Learning and Course Management Systems

    Learning and Course Management Systems
    Learning and course management systems are the platform from which online learning as we know it took flight. This innovation has the capacity to manage a large amount of student and content information to bring order to the online learning environment (Coates & Baldwin, 2005).
  • The Blog

    The Blog
    Blogging became popular around 2007 and is used in education as way to communicate about information in or about learning or become projects themselves (Siegle, 2007).
  • MOOC

    The massive open online course was developed so that anyone with internet access and supporting device could receive higher education at no cost (Clark, 2013). At the moment, only a hand full of certificates can be earned through this type of online education but the information and learning can be invaluable for a lifetime.
  • Khan Academy

    Khan Academy
    This academy focused on math and other subjects, grew from one young innovative thinker posting videos on YouTube to a widespread and extensive team of educators with intentions of teaching the world for free.