
Technology and Education

  • Nov 7, 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    The printing press transformed education by creating visual content for the students. Some were concerned that the students would learn less because they were no longer creating their own book of knowledge, but the students soon passed their elders. The printing press allowed students to acquire more knowledge faster than ever before.
    Print Press
  • Radio

    Universities in Utah, Wisconsin, and Minnesota were granted broadcast licenses for educational radio. Also, in Ohio and Wisconsin, education systems were providing "schools of the air" for students in more rural areas.
  • Television

    Boston University's President Dr. Daniel L. Marsh warned that “if the [television] craze continues with the present level of programs, we are destined to have a nation of morons.”
    Educational Television is formed with programs such as PBS.
  • Computer

    The invention of the computer has allowed students to interact with the world. Information is available to students with just a click of a button. Students can work in groups and attain basic skills by using a computer.
  • Microsoft

    Microsoft has allowed teachers and students to better teach and learn content. With the use of Power Point, Word, and other aspects of Microsoft teachers have easier access to getting their lesson to the students. Students gain an easier way to complete assignments given to them.
  • Internet

    Students can now reach an infinite amount of knowledge. Information is available to students with just a click of a button. Research is easily accessible with the help of the internet.
  • Mobile Apps

    Mobile Apps
    Educational apps has made learning exciting in the classroom. Students are able to learn content through games and activities done on the apps. It provides opportunities to engage in group activities, to promote relationship in the classroom, and enjoyment of the information.
    mobile apps
  • Virtual Reality

    Virtual Reality
    Virtual reality is slowly being introduced to society. It has the potential to make the students more motivated and creative in the work that they produce. Students will be able to go places they never could before and engage in learning experiences that were previously not available to them.
    virtual reality