Tech Vision at Country Lane

By ncisler
  • Tech Leadership Team Established

    Tech Leadership Team Established
    Tech Leadership Team (TLT) developes draftTechnolgy Mission and Vision Statements, determines hardware needs, and creates needs assessment for staff.
  • Period: to

    Into the Future

  • Second PBL Cohort Trained

    Second PBL Cohort Trained
    In Sept. 2013 10 early adopters implemented PBL in grades 3-5. Plan to train an additional 10-12 teachers in Sept. 2014, with the remaining 12 teachers coming on board in May 2015.
  • CCSS + DOK + 21st Century Skills + Technolgy

    CCSS + DOK + 21st Century Skills + Technolgy
  • All Smarter Balanced Assessments administered electronically

    By this time, we will have had a 1:1 student to device ratio in grades 4 and 5 for 2 years, and a 1:2 ratio in grades 1, 2 and 3. Students will be able to successfully use devices to complete Smarter Balanced assessments and we'll have the devices to support administration of the assessments.
  • Formative and Summative Computer Adaptive Testing

    Formative and Summative Computer Adaptive Testing
  • One to One Student to Device Ratio Schoolwide

    Technolgy used as an engaging tool for learning. Teachers and students innovating, not just substituting.
  • Students Learning Based on Needs, Not Age

    Students Learning Based on Needs, Not Age
    In the year 2020, PBL will be school wide. Using CAT (Computer Adaptive Testing) teachers will identify individual needs and assign students to appropriate groupings. Students will select projects based on interest and embedded skills, not grade level.