Teaching Methods

  • Classical Method

    Classical Method
    This method is based in the memorization of grammatical rules and vocabulary, translation of texts and writen excercises.
  • Grammar Traslation Method

    Grammar Traslation Method
    This method was created by B. Sears and it consist of studying written texts, traslating them into the students native language and carrying out a study of grammar.
  • Direct Method

    Direct Method
    This method was created by Maximiliano Berlitz, and it is vitally important, because it consist that into the classroom the teacher should talk only in the target language.
  • Oral Approach

    Oral Approach
    Created by Harold Palmer and A.S Hornby, and it this approach is centered in the vocabulary and the grammar control.
  • Audiolingual Method.

    Audiolingual Method.
    Audiolingual method created by Charles Carpenter Fries. This method grew out of bahaviourist psychology. It involves providing a stimulus to which students respond.
  • Communicative Language Learning.

    Communicative Language Learning.
    Created by Carl Rogers. This approach developed out a need to have students communocating for real. It is based on the theory that children acquire language rules by using language rather than throught the study of grammar.
  • Silent Way

    Silent Way
    Silent Way was created by Gattengo. In this method the teacher should have less possible participation in the classroom, is the student the main protagonist in the learn.
  • Bilingual Method

    Bilingual Method
    Created by C.J Dobson, This is an approach in which two languages are used as media of classroom instruction for the same group of students, so that students recive some of their instructions in one languages and some in the other.
  • Communicative Language Teaching.

    Communicative Language Teaching.
    This method was created by Michael Halliday and it is focused in the interaction as media and as final objective in the students.
  • Experimental Learning.

    Experimental Learning.
    This method was created by David Kolb. It is emphasized the psycomotor aspects of language learning, by involving learners in physical actions into which language is subsumed and reinforce.
  • Competency Based Language.

    Competency Based Language.
    Created by Schenck. This method is centered in the learning result, in the develop of the language result.
  • Notional Funcional Syllabos.

    Notional Funcional Syllabos.
    Created by D.A Wilkins. Notional Funcional Syllabos is the program with the materials that the students will need to learn a second language. for instance, text books, and communicative activities.
  • Total Physical Response.

    Total Physical Response.
    This method was created by James Asher, and it es focused in the Physical response, the idea is teach a target language in the same way that the children acquire the L1, through the listening and doing different activities.
  • Suggestopedia.

    Creted by George Lozanovs, the involvement of the whole person in the learning experence is central to the humanistic approach. students are listening to, their comments acepted without judgement and they are encouraged to share their feelings and experence.
  • Whole Language.

    Whole Language.
    This approach was created by Kenneth Goodman, and this is based in that the teaching language should be whole, that is, as speaking, reading as writen too.
  • Task Based Learning.

    Task Based Learning.
    This method was created by N.S Prabhu, and it consist in that the teacher sets a task for students to do, that involves the use of language not yet studied in class or language studied previously that the teacher wishes to review.
  • Natural Approach

    Natural Approach
    This method is centered in the idea that language acquired is produced of only one way: through of compheension of a massage.
  • Multiple Intelligences.

    Multiple Intelligences.
    The theory of Multiple Intelligences was created by Howard Gardner, he described them as states that each student learn in a different way according to their abilities. The theory helps to identify the differen learning styles with a variaty of materials and activities for the classroom.
  • Task Based Language

    Task Based Language
    Created by N. Prabhu. This method based in resol or do an activiti in which some problems are envolving which should be resolv.
  • Content Based Instruction

    Content Based Instruction
    This approach was created by Brinton, Snow and Wesche, it is teaching approach in a second language, and it propose that the teaching is organize around the content or information that the student will have.
  • Lexical Approach

    Lexical Approach
    Created by Michael Lewis, the underlying princiole of this method is that grammar and vocabulary cannot be strictly divided as is often the case in traditional teaching methods.
  • Cooperative Learning

    Cooperative Learning
    This method was created by David Johnson, this is approach that take adventage of the cooperative activities into the classroom.