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TCAI Implementation Timeline

By maams
  • Period: to


    Sensitization of GES, GNAT & NYEP district level staff, and of School Community (SMC, Head Teachers, Class Teachers).
  • Period: to

    Recruitment of TCAs

    Identification, Interviews & Selection of TCAs.
  • Period: to

    Training Cascade

    Training of Master Trainers, Trainers, Teachers and TCAs
  • TCAI Launches

    TCAI Launches
    TCAs and Teachers start implementing TCAI in Schools!
  • School Yr Ends

  • Period: to

    Refresher Trainings

    Re-training of TCAs & Teachers
    Training of Head Teachers, Class Teachers
  • Start of Academic Year

    School Starts up Again!
  • Period: to

    Resensitization of District Staff

  • School Monitoring Starts

    School Monitoring Starts
  • TLMs delivered to Schools

  • Endline Data Collection Starts

  • School Year Ends!