Conquest of Tarapoto
It began with the entry of the Spaniards north of Tarapoto from Chachapoyas to Moyabamba. It was Hernando de Alvarado, brother of the conqueror Alonso de Alvarado, with the support of cacique Huamán, who managed to dominate the natives of the area. -
Conquest of the jíbaros, motilones and cumbazas
The expedition of San Martin de la Riva and Herrera to conquer the jíbaros, motilones and cumbazas, gave rise to the founding of Lamas. Tarapoto was the headquarters for the realization of this conquest. -
Creation of the Viceroyalty of New Granada
He had Quito as his audience. By royal order, the lands of Jaén de Bracamoros, Maynas, Quijos, Sucumbios and Canelos were incorporated into this audience. -
Expulsion of the Jesuits from the Peruvian Amazon
The king of Spain ordered the viceroy Amat and Junet to expel the Jesuits from Peru.This caused confusion and destruction of the native identity. -
Foundation of Tarapoto
It was founded by the spanish bishop Baltasar Jaime Martínez Compañón -
Foundation of the Spanish city of Santa Cruz de los Motilones
The bishop of Trujillo, Don Baltasar Jaime Martinez de Compagnón y Bufanda, left the city of Trujillo. When he reached the Tarapoto Valley, he gathered all the scattered native groups, and with them he founded the city. In honor of her, the church or parish of the city of Tarapoto was built. -
The devolution of ceded territories
The King of Spain, Carlos IV ordered the return of the city of Tarapoto, which was under the jurisdiction of the audience in Quito for 63 years. -
The integration of Tarapoto to the department
From that day, Tarapoto forms one of the 10 provinces, currently, of the department of San Martín -
National University of San Martín in Tarapoto
It was created as a result of the struggle of the San Martín people to obtain an educational institution with a university level. -
FAP Cadete Airport Guillermo del Castillo Paredes
It is the main airport terminal of the department of San Martín, located in the middle of the Amazon. Receive tourists who begin their visits to the jungle. It is also the main gateway for the cities of the department. -
Tarapoto today
At present, Tarapoto is one of the main tourist and commercial centers of the Peruvian Amazon.