The American revolution
The American Revolution was a very significant event that helped get our independence from Great Britain. They American colonists had George Washington's help in the war. The war started when Americans refused to pay tax from British parliament. This caused a lot of tension between patriots and loyalists. This event helped shape/ create the America that we know today with our own freedom and independence. Without this war, who knows, we could have still been controlled by Britain. -
The first amendment
The first amendment protects freedom of religion, speech, press, right to assemble, and right to petition The government. I think that without this amendment, we definitely wouldn't have a lot of diversity in The United States of America, which is what makes this amendment the most important. When the First amendment was first adopted, oh so long ago, it helped shape our country into a more diverse and free country where everyone has justice. -
civil war
This war took place in the United States and was fought between the union and the confederate. The confederates were knows as the secessionist slave states.The confederate states had an economy relied on African American slaves. Meanwhile, the union did not support that. This caused a lot of disagreement between the two. War started Confederates attacked union soldiers at Fort Sumter. The union ended up wining and slavery was abolished. -
Emancipation Proclamation
The signing of the emancipation proclamation was definitely a very big and important date in american history. The proclamation stated that all slaves are free. From this day forth, slavery was diminished from The United states, which is what makes it such an important event. The signing of this document really made our country free and truly be equal between races. -
Civil rights act
The civil rights act was passed by congress and it stated that american born person is a citizen no matter what race or gender. Everyone is protected by law. This Civil rights act was definitely very important and truly helped improve freedom/ rights people truly deserve no matter who they are or what they look like. -
19th Amendment
The 19th amendment is definitely another one of my favorite amendment because it applies to girls like me. The 19th amendment basically states that the women have the right to vote. I honestly don't even think this should've been a argument, it's absurd that someone wouldn't be able to vote because of their gender. This is definitely important because it give me ad million of other women in America the right to vote. This helped shape our country by making more equal between genders -
Great depression
The great depression was a big economic downfall that not only affected us but other countries. It started on Black Thursday by traders who sold millions of shares of stocks. It left people in poverty and unemployed. Franklin D roosevelt tries to make these tough times better by introducing programs that could help america get out of the depression. This event helped shape our country by making sure that we make smarter economic decision so that we don't fall back into the same footsteps -
I have a dream speech
Civil rights activist martin luther king was truly so significant and inspiring to our world. He is of course infamous all across the country from his I have a Dream speech. The day he told the speech, everyone listing was truly touched and empowered by his strong and forceful speech. Thousands of people came to see him at the Lincoln memorial. This event really shaped our country because King really showed us a different perspective on racism and how Blacks are just the same as white. -
Four planes got hijacked and two of them were flown right into the twin towers in New York City. Another plane was crashing to the pentagon in Virginia. From this terrible event around 3,000 people died on 9/11.From this, it has in a way shaped us into more of a stronger and more prepared country. If this was to ever happen again, we would definitely be more prepared. The attackers were from a terrorist group called Al Qaeda which was led by a man named Osama Bin Laden -
Pulse night club shooting
A man by the name of Omar Mateen killed over 40 people inside of a gay nightclub called pulse.This terrible attack lasted over three hours and is known as the deadliest terrorist attack since 9/11 and is the deadliest mass shooting from a single shooter in United States History.This event is significantly important because it left a big impact on not only orlando, Florida but also our entire country.It really taught us that people shouldn't discriminate/ hate other just because of who they like.