Master Basics of Hangout
All principals will participate in Google Hangouts and create a monthly agenda for future Hangouts. Items will include expanding understanding and use of tools such as Screenshots. -
Increase site capacity for data analysis
Each site will identify 2 staff members with proficiency in Online Assessment Reporting System
Site will identify 3 methods of sustaining OARS proficiency including PLC meetings, grade/dept. meetings, individual support -
Edivation Implementation
Principals will use Edivation to create a Learning Community. This will be used to share ways that Edivation is being used for Observations, Professisonal Development and progress toward district and site goals. -
Create Virtual PLC with Admins
Principals demonstrate proficiency in Hangouts and attend weekly Hangouts to review relevant topics -
Showcase student use of technology
Showcase student use of technology on District/School Website -
Technology Enhanced PD Day
Teachers use a variety of tools to develop and participate in ongoing virtual learning communities. These tools may include Edmodo and Edivation. -
Draft District Wide Virtual Tech PD Day
Review data of district wide growth in use of technology
Board presentation sharing number of technology tools used across district, description (with data) of how tools are used. Demonstrate at Board meeting one technology tool staff uses and demonstrate impact on student learning. -
International Collaboration
2 school sites will describe and show results of international collaboration project with schools in other parts of the world. -
Location Location Location
50% or more of high school learning occurs outside of classroom