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Story Of Us

  • May 1, 1492

    Columbus Voyege

    Columbus whated to sail west to reach the east and find a route, He never did find the route but he did discover the Caribbean .

    This is mportant becausde he discover beuantiful laand , also beausae he was the first European to sail off to America so he thought .
  • Jan 1, 1509

    King Henry 1st Marriage

    Henry had anrranged marrige with his brother wife Catherine .During the marrige Henry wanted a son but Catherine gave brith to a girl . The event was imporntant beacuse king asked for a divorce and when the pope didn't give it to him he spit from the catholic chruch.
  • Jan 1, 1513

    Juan Ponce de Leon

    Thespanish explorer discoved what we call Flordia today .
    He was important beacuse he was the first spanish conqustador to explore morrdern day U.S.
  • Jan 1, 1540


    Coronado was a spanish explorer , he explored the southwestern of the US . He began trip ooking for the Seven Cities of Cibola which was gold he found the garnd Canyon.

    This was importnat because he was the 1st European to see the Grand Canyon.
  • Apr 28, 1554

    French & Indian War

    French & Indian War
    The reason why the French & Indian War was so imortant to the America becuase it made an big impact on history. Both French & Indians were fighting the british over the Ohio River Valley. The French & Indians were alliea with each other.The French & Indian War Ended The Treaty of Paris in 1763
  • Plymouth

    Separtatists separrted form the Anglican chruch and got permisson from their king to move to holland this lead up to the first Thanksgiving .This was important because different type of people start to feel that they should be treated right so they make there own colones
  • JamesTown Est

    JamesTown Est
    Vringin company founded Jamestown. King James gaev permission to 144 Men to start an colony in Virgena. At the 1609-1610. Starving at hard times , there was 52 men left.
  • Masssochusetts Bay Est.

    Massachuesetts Baby Comany charater to start a colony in American
  • Pennsyivania Est

    Pennsyivania Est
    Quaker was reliogous gourp. They disagread with anglican & Durtuans. Willian Penn.
  • Suger Act

    Suger Act
    In the 1764 Parliment a tax priced on a tax of suger but molcesses impacted from molesses .Then they came up with a very famose Qoute.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Tea Tax 1773 required the colisnt only buy Britsh East Tea India Comany Tax. The sons of liberty dumped the East India Tea in the East India Tea in the Boston Harbor. Know knownas the boston tea party.
  • Tea Party

    1773 paliment out a tax on east india company tea the law wa that colonist couldn't buy tea from no where else .

    This was important beacause the Son of Liberty got on the boat, where the tea was and dumped it into the harbor this was known as the Bostan Tea Party .
  • 1st Continital Congrees

    On Semptember 5 1774 was held in Philadephia. There were 55 colnistal
  • Winter of Valley Forge

    The winter of valley forge was one of the hardest time of the Revlonary war . Geroge Washgton was the leader and how ahrd he tried he couldn't motive his troops to keep moving , most troops didn't have shoes and warm cloths to wear .
    It important because Thoams Paine wrote the parlet Common sense which motived he soilders .
  • Winter of Valley Forge

    The winter of valley forge was one of the hardest time of the Revlonary war . Geroge Washgton was the leader and how ahrd he tried he couldn't motive his troops to keep moving , most troops didn't have shoes and warm cloths to wear . This sad and dangerous event was important because Thoams Paine wrote the parlet Common Sense.
  • Battle Of Yorktown

    The battle of yorktown was the last battle of the Revolutionary War .
    Thsi battle was important because this battle that America won made us a free country.
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    Fugitive Slave law was that all citizens were required to help return runaway slaves. If you would return a runaway slave you would recive money .
  • Donner Party

    The Donner party wasa family that tried to take a short cut but end up getting lost for 5 months . Once they ran out of food which it took 3 weeks to run out of food they had no choice to start eating each other .
  • Gold Rush

    Marshell White was as a carpitner in california where he found a gold nugget mouths past and a group called the 49ers formed to find all the gold they could peolpe around the world started to find out about it and traveled to California to get gold .This was important because before the gold rush california was a ghost until gold increased the population of california.
  • March to the sea

    Sherman began the march to Savannahhim and his troops arrived in Savannah in December william and his troops burned everything within their path . Thsi event is important beacuse burning down everything this made the south sunnder .
  • Black Death

    Black death was a plaque after of the population of England This was impotant beacuse they peolpe who did survived the plaque found a route to Asia were they bought back spices and things.