Jan 1, 1100
Black Death
The black death was an illness that widely spreaded across all of Europe. It killed 1/3 of Europes population, 25 million killed in the last 5 years. "Ring around the Rosie" is the Nursery rhyme associated with the black death. Many believed it was a punishment from God.
This important because it had an economic impact on Europe. -
Jan 1, 1100
Crusades 1100s (post)
The Crusade were a series of religious wars between christians and muslims. They fought over the holy land (Jerusalem) and during the Crusades Europe was introduced to new things. Gains of the Crusades were Europeans being introduced to new things and ideas from Asia; Spices, foods, and instruments were some of them. It is important because it taught us that we need fairness in the government. -
Jan 1, 1487
Bartolomeu Diaz
Diaz was a student of Prince Henry's school and believed he could reach India by sailing around the tip of Africa. In 1487, he led an expidition to reach India but only made it ot South Africa. It is important because without him not making it de Gama wouldn't have explored the area. -
Apr 29, 1492
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus was originally from Italy and loved studying navigation. He knew Europeans needed goods from Asia and came up with an idea to sail west and reach north. He asked king Ferdinand and Queen Isabella for ships and they agreed. When he thought he reached land, he thought he reached India and Asia but he actually reached the Bahamas. This is important because he found a new land known as the Bahamas today. -
Jan 1, 1497
Vasco de Gama
De Gama wass a Portuguese explorer who was determind to complete what Diaz hadn't. De Gama was the first European to reach India by boat and successfully rounded the tip of South Africa. This is important because he was the first to reach India. -
Jan 1, 1513
Ponce de Leon
Juan Ponce de Leon was the first conquistidor to explore the modern-day U.S. He was a Spanish explorer and he led the first European expidition to Florida. This is important because he was the first person to explore Florida. -
Oct 31, 1517
Posting of the 95 thesis
Martin Luther began to question the learning of the of the Church in England so on October 31st, 1517 he posted the 95 thesis on the door of Wittenburgh Church. The 95 thesis were a list of complaints Martin Luther had for the Church of England. It is important because if he hadn't of psted the 95 thesis and had not of created Lutherism, we would all be Catholic. -
Jan 1, 1518
Cortez defeat of Aztec
Cortez went to Mexico trying to find gold and got what he wanted but brought back diseases to the Aztecs which destroyed the entire empire. This is important because this ended the Aztecs -
Jan 1, 1532
King Henry viii's divorce
King Henry viii married Catherine of Argon. Before he married her he was determined to have a son, so when he married her, he told her if she got pregnant she had to have a son. When she got pregnant the first time she had a miscarriage follwed by a baby boy. The baby boy died at 2 days.She gets pregnant again but this time she has a girl. He gets mad and wants a divorce but when he asked the Pope for a divorce he told hiim no, Catholic Church"s dont allow divorces. After the Pope refuses, -
Jan 1, 1532
King Henry vii"s divorce importance
Henry removes himself from the Curhc and sets up the Anglican Church. This is important because if he hadnt of separated, married couples today wouldn't be able to get divorces now. -
Jan 1, 1536
Anne Boelyn Beheaded
After he separates from the Church of England and starts the Anglican Church, he marries Anne Boelyn. Anne gets pregnant, and has a girl who they name Elizabeth. He beheads her because she didnt give him a son, so he falsely accuses her of having and affair and for treason. It is important because for future government they made sure no one had that much power. -
Washington Kills French Ambassador
General Braddock chose george Washington to serve as a helper. Robert Dinwiddie sent him to try and negotiate peace with the French. G.W kills the French Ambassador accidentally and the French-Indian war officially starts. This is important because if George Washington hadn't of accidentally killed the ambassador there wouldn't have been a French-Indian war and no Treaty of Paris. -
General Braddock dies
General Braddock and his troops were attacked by Natives beofre they could get to Ft. Duquesne. Many troop and Braddock are killed. This is important because it shows the natives were powerful. -
William Pitt as New Prime Minister
William Pitt was the Prime Minister of England and realized England neede stronger tactics and more troops to win. he took alot of money and pourded it into wars. This is important because he was the turning point in the war. -
Proclamation Act
The Proclamation Act was when England was broke. There weren't any wars since it was costing them alot of money colonist couln't pass the Ohio River Valley. This is important because if it hadn't existed they wouldn't have done what they did. -
Treaty of Paris
The treaty of Paris officially ends the French-Indian war in 1763, France lost all land holding in North America and got to keep sugar producing islands. This is important because England got more land and it ended the war. -
Stamp Act of 1765
The stamp act was put into place by Parliament. It was a tax on printed Material and was the first directvtax on the colonist and they boycotted all printed goods. This is important because it formed the Stamp A`ct Congress and gave the colonist a voice. -
Tea Act
The Boston Tea party was a tax on tea. It required the colonist to only purchase East India company tea and they put taxes on it. It is important because it was an act showing that they weren't going to do what they were told to do. -
!st Continental Congress
The 1st Continental Congress met in Philidelphia. There was a total of 55 delegates from the 12 colonies since Georgia wasn't represented. The Declaration of Rights and Grievence was written at the time. 1 year later they met again. This is important because it's what helped them become independent. -
Olive Branch Petition
The Olive Branch Petition was wriiten by John Dickenson and in 1775 was when the Continental Congress adopts it. It appeals directly to King George and expresses hope for recognition. This is important because it told King George what they wanted -
Battle of Lexington-Concord
April 18th, Britain troops began to boston Concord. Concord has a militia supply depot and the British wanted to take it before the coloist did. The next day the British arrive and killed 8 colonist. This is important because it was the first battle of the American Revolution. -
Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase was the buyong of the Louisiana Territory by The U.S from France in 1803. President Jefferson was the buyer of the Territory. This is important because it was how the Louisiana Territory Joined the U.S -
War of 1812
In the War of 1812, the U.S declares war against Briatin. The British attempts to restrict U.S trade. The Royal Navy's imprisionment of American Sailors and America's Longing to expand its territory. This is important because it was the First War the Americans won. -
Trail of Tears
The Cherokee Nation was forced to give up their land and move west of the Mississippi River (Oklahoma). This is important because Indians were marched to their death. -
The Donner Party
The Donner party was a group of American Pioneers who set out to find gold in California. They tried to take a different path but got stuck in the Sierra Nevadas by a harsh winter. This is important because it was informing others not to take the route they did. -
California Gold Rush
On January 24th, Gold was discovered by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in Coloma,California. They didn't keep the secret and everyone found out about the discovery and they all traveled to California. This is important because it was the economy's turning point. -
Underground Railroad
The underground Railroad was NOT an actual railroad and was led by Harriet Tubman, a runaway slave who help other slaves run away and escape the South to the North. This is important because this is a path that helped many slaves become free. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe and was written to expose the horors of slavery. it sold over 300,000 copies and it help abolitionist gain help from the north. This is important because this is how abolitionist got the North's support. -
Battle of Gettysburg
On July 1-3 in Pennsylvania it was led by Robert Shaw. General Lee led an offensive attack. On the second day of fighting General Chamberlain (Union) secured the hill. On the 3rd day, general Pickett (confederate) attacked the Ridge (Union) and forced the Confederates to retreat. It was a Union Victory. This is important because this is the turning point of the civil War. -
Surrender at Appomatox Court house
On the 8th of April, General Lee surrenders to General Grant in Appomatox, Virginia. After, President Lincoln wanted to put his country back together peacefully and the southerners believed Lincoln would treat them fairly. This is important because this is what ends the Civil War. -
Lincoln's assassination
President Lincoln, his wife and some friends had went to the Ford theater to see a play. While watching the play, John Wilkes Booth snuck into the box that President was in and shot him in the back of the head. This is important because this is how Andrew Johnson becomes President.