Story of US

  • Jan 1, 1300

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black Death was a disease that was first on animals and then spread to humans. With this disease people got really sick and died. This was important beacuse many people died from this disease killing off 1/3 of the European population. Many people belived this disease was a punishment from god.
  • Jan 1, 1400


    The Crusades were religius wars fought between the Chrustians and the Muslims. They fought over the holyland. The crusades weren't all that good but some good things did happen. The good things were that the Europeans were intorduced to new things from Asia such as spices , food , and intruments. This event was important because the Europeans were introduced to new things.
  • Jan 1, 1487

    Dias Voyage

    Dias Voyage
    He believed he could reach india by sailing around the tip of Africa. In 1487 he tried it and failed. This was important because after he failed Vasco Da Gama did it sucessfully and found the trade route for Europe and Asia to trade.
  • Aug 1, 1492

    Colombus Voyage

    Colombus Voyage
    Christopher Colombus knew Europe needed goods from Asia but couldn't do the trip. He came up with an idea to make the trip easier and faster. He asked the king and queen of spain to help him , they gave him 3 ships and in 1492 he left to reach India or Asia. This was important because he actually found North America.
  • Jan 1, 1497

    Vasco Da Gama Voyage

    Vasco Da Gama Voyage
    He was a Portuguese explorer who wanted to find a way from Europe to Asia. Europe really wanted to trade with Asia because they had so many goods that Europe wanted , the problem was they didn't know how to get to Asia. This event was important because Da Gama was the one who found a route from Europe to Asia so that they can trade with each other easier.
  • Jan 1, 1513

    Ponce De Leon explors FL.

    Ponce De Leon explors FL.
    Ponce was the 1st conquistador to explore South & Central Florida. He was a spanish explorer/ This was important because when he got Florida he claimed the land for Spain so he could set up a colony.
  • Jan 1, 1517

    Martin Luther gets Excommunicted

    Martin Luther gets Excommunicted
    When he posted the 95 theses the pope and other members of the church weren't happy about it. They demanded he take them down but Martin Luther refused. So then he got excommunicated or cut-off from the church. This event was important because he started his own church.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Posting of the 95 Theses

    Posting of the 95 Theses
    Martin Luther , a monk began to question the teachings of the Church. So on October 31 , 1517 he posted the 95 theses or statements on the Wittenberg Church. This than began the reforming of the Catholic Church. This event was important because after the posting Martin got cut-off from the church and he began his own church know as the Lutheranism , Luther Church.
  • Jan 1, 1518

    Cortes defeat of the Aztecs

    Cortes defeat of the Aztecs
    In 1518 Hernan Cortes went to find gold but some Indians thought he was Querzalcoatl and he brought a disease which spread to all of them. This was important because he destroyed the entire empire.
  • Jan 1, 1532

    King Henry VII's DIvorce

    King Henry VII's DIvorce
    The pope refused to grant the divorce between King Henry and Catherine. As a result they both spilt from the Catholic Church since they didn't allow divorces. So King Henry set up the Angilcan Church for England , so now he controlled the church and the country. This event was important because there was a new church that was ruled by King Henry the VII.
  • Jamestown EST.

    Jamestown EST.
    Jamestown was founded by Virginia company , King James I gave 144 men to start the colony. They arrived in 1607 and named the colony Jamestown in honor of King James. They didn't have good land so it started off ard for them , but in 1608 200 more people came to make the colony bigger. In 1609 53 people left. At first John Smith was the leader but the John Rolfe toke over with tabacco which helped them make more money for the colony , supplies , ett.
    -This was important because it was the 1st co
  • Massachuetts Bay EST.

    Massachuetts Bay EST.
    The Puritans wanted to Purify the Anglican Church. In 1630- 900 puritains arrive at Mass. Bay and establish a colony. They wanted to keep Mass. a Puritan colony. Anyone who spoke out against it was a Heretic. Mass. Bay was important because it was for the people who wanted to purify the church. Hence the name Puritans.
  • New York EST.

    New York EST.
    In 1664 King Charles claimed the New Netherlands as his land. The New Netherlands were a Dutch colony , that was named The New Netherlands as the Duke of York (his brother) , or New York. In 1702 New Jersey split from New York. New Jersey spliting from NewYork was important because our country would be different without New York.
  • French & Indian War

    French & Indian War
    This was in 1754-1763 between France and England over the Ohio River Valley. The Ohio River Valley was already claimed by lots of Indians , the Indians didn't want the land to either of the coutries. In the end the British won. The treaty of Paris ofically ended the war in 1763. This was important becausewithout it there would be no need to tax the colonist.
  • Treaty of Paris 1763

    Treaty of Paris 1763
    The Treaty of Paris stopped the French and Indian war in 1763 , this was written by Ben Franklin , in Paris. This was important because it ended the war.
  • Quatering Act

    Quatering Act
    In 1765 the British placed an act on the colonist saying how they were required to give British soldiers a place to live and give them food. So if they showed up at your house you have to , you really had no choice. This was important because it helped the colonist figure out the British were bad.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    In 1765 parliament placed a tax on all printed materials , this was the 1st tax placed on the colonist. This was important because it was the 1st tax on the colonist.
  • Gaspee Affair

    Gaspee Affair
    A British ship named the Gaspee , watched the coast for smugglers. The captin and his crew searched peoples ships without the right to. The captin could take whatever he wanted if he thought you didn't pay for it. In 1772 England colonist boreded and burned the Gaspee. This was important because it made the colonist very mad.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    A tax on tea in 1733 made the colonist to only buy British East India Company tea. So basically they had to pay a tax on the tea. So they didn't like that so December 16, 1773 The Sons of Liberty dumped over $1000 worth of tea in the Pearl Harbor. This was important because they wanted to end the tax on the tea.
  • Thomas Paine's Common Sense

    Thomas Paine's Common Sense
    Thomas Paine wrote common sense. His writing was read by generals to inspire the soldiers to keep going. Common Sense helped to persuade many americans to support independence. This was important because it kept the soldiers going , it was motivation.
  • Winter at Valley Forge 1777-1778

    Winter at Valley Forge 1777-1778
    George Washington's troop had no where to stay because they had to fight during the winter. This was important because they weren't supposed to be fighting during the winter. So they had to find somewhere for him and his soliders to stay.
  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    Treaty of Paris 1783
    The treaty of Paris basically gave us america. It ended the revolutionary war and we weren't owned by England anymore. This was important.
  • Indian Removel act of 1830

    Indian Removel act of 1830
    This was when Andrew Jackson wanted the natives land so he made a law to get them to leave. This was important because it wasn't fair to make them leave and take their land just like that.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    The trail of tears was when Andrew Jackson wanted the natives land so he made a law called the Indian Removel Act. All the natives land that he took walked on the trail in order to try to find new land. The natives weren't happy about their land being taken. This was important because it wasn't fair just to take their land like that.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    People were traveling west to find new homes , the journey took 5 months to travel by wagon. On the trail many people died. The Oregon trail was important because when many people got there the population spread out.
  • Donner Party

    Donner Party
    The Donner party were a group of people who went down the Oregon Trail , but did it differently. They decided to take a "shortcut" which got them stuck in a snowstorm. They ended up straving and freezing to death. This was important because after what happened to them no one else took the "shortcut" again.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    The Gold Rush started when John Sutter hirred John Marshall to build a saw mill at Coloma on Jan. 4 , 1848 Marshall picked up metal that looked like gold he found out taht it was gold and the word got out , by 1849 lots of people went to California to find gold. This was important because Cali's population grew and grew.
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    Fugitive Slave Law
    This was a law saying that all citiczens were required to help return run away slaves. And if not they can be fined or threwn in jail. Judges earned money if the slaves were returned and sold.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    Dred Scott was a slave who moved with his master. After his master died he thought he was free because he was out of the south. One day the masters kids came and told him to come with them and he didn't want to because he was free. They went to court and ruled for his freedom but the judge said he was property. This was importnat because slavery was wrong and the judge wasn't fair.
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    Fort Sumter was controlled by the Union. Confederates open fired on the fort. This was the first battle of the Civil War and Lincoln said it would only last 6 months. This was important because it was the first battle of the Civil War.
  • Assasination of Lincoln

    Assasination of Lincoln
    President Lincoln was assinated at a show / play by a person from the south because he didn't want Lincoln to get rid of slavery , which he wasn't but he killed him anyway. This was important because he was the president.