Arabia before Muhammad- Mecca
It was an important trade stop and religious center of Arabia
Their population was very diverse with many religions
This was also the location of Kaaba which was a religious shrine.
Had fresh water to make people want to stay there -
Arabia before Muhammad- Early Arabs
They valued swords and camels above all else
They had no central government
They practiced polytheism, the worship of many gods.
Their origin's may have been from Mesopotamia or Africa
Nomadic Arabs
Bedouins -
Arabia before Muhammad- Quraysh
They were the powerful and local tribe of the Arabs
They encouraged many other tribes to put idols into the Kaaba, they would pay for them to protect it. -
The life of Muhammad
He was born around 570 in Mecca
Born into one of the most powerful tribes
Was not educated
Became a merchant
When he was 25 he was hired to take caravans to Syria
They got married and had 4 daughters
In 612 he began to preach
Muslims began to see him as a prophet
He told the people that Allah was the only god that they should worship
He began to gain followers because of how good his speeches were and what they taught people
In Mecca Muslims were boycotted and were not allowed to be given food -
Muhammad's Call to Prophet hood- Early life
He was born into the powerful Hashim family
Angels told his mother to name him Muhammad
His father died before he was born and his mother died when he was 6
He was raised by his uncle
He worked for a wealthy widow as a young man
He had 7 children -
Life of Muhammad (continued)
He had a dream were he flew to Jerusalem and taught a lot of biblical teachings and was then taken on a tour through heaven.
After his first wife died he had more than 10 wives.
He declared that you could only have 4 wives,but you could have more if you were helping someone out in need, like someone in financial trouble or they were in poverty
In Medina he allowed his followers to worship freely.
He changed the way that Muslims face when they pray. They were now facing the city of Mecca instead. -
Constitution of Medina
Muhammad made a document called the Constitution of Medina in 622
He established the first Islamic state
he gave Jews and Christians certain rights and responsibilities.
gave them freedom of religion in return for the payment of a special tax.
This tax was later demanded from Christians and Jews living in all conquered territories.
The tax played an important part of the caliphate budget and this is how that got most of their money -
Arabia after Muhammad’s death
After Muhammad's death there were about 100,000 Muslims. But afterwards many tribes fell away from this religion and started to follow other prophets. Many of the them didn't pay the zakat. -
Caliph Abu Bakr
Abu Bakr was one of Muhammad’s original followers. After his death a council came together and they thought that Abu Bakr should be Caliph. His first task was to try and unite the people once again after they feel apart.
Caliph Abu Bakr was set about forcing the tribes to convert back to Islam. Many Historians refer to his military missions in 633 against ex-Muslims as the Riddah Wars. -
Riddah Wars
The Riddah Wars were a series of battles fought between the Muslims and Arabs. After he died, Abu Bakr, became the caliph. One battle took place at Aqraba, a site that later became known as the “Garden of Death.” because it was one of the bloodiest battles. Abu Bakr and his forces were successful in these wars and came back together with the rebelling Arabs. -
Caliph Umar
Umar was the second Caliph.
He was a very experienced military leader. He led the Arab armies in a very big expansion. They conquered lands governed by many dynasty's including the Byzantine empire, Mesopotamia and Syria. They also began attack Iran and Egypt.
Umar was a very organizer who is credited with the making of many basic policies . Umar allowed the people he conquered keep their land and religion. -
Caliph Uthman
He was the third caliph
Memorized the qu'ran
Umar was injured and he formed a council and he appointed Uthman
He married two of Muhammad's daughters
He expanded it to Iran, North Africa and the Caucuses
He got his family well paid
He was later assassinated
That then late started a civil war
He rewrote the qu'ran and he required that all the other ones to be burned -
Caliph Ali
First Fitnah:
This civil started in 656 and ended in 661
This led to a civil war and the split of between two groups of muslims
This happened because two groups couldn't agree who should be the caliph
People thought it should be Muhammad's cousin, and that they have to be descendants and Muslims to rule
The fighting lasted till 661 and that is when the sunni took over as the caliph
Two groups Sunni and Shiites
The two groups today still disagree about, religious practices, laws and daily life. -
Umayyad dynasty
After Muhammad's death in 632 there was a 100 year military expansion of Arab Rule
They conquered many empires including the Byzantines
The Arab rule stretched from the Atlantic ocean and to the far end of China
People who were conquered were not forced to convert
Umayyad was first great dynasty
They added many countries after that
It was replaced by the Abbasid dynasty -
Abbasid Dynasty
This was the second dynasty coming after the Umayyad dynasty
They made the Muslim Empire of the Caliphate
This included all of the land and the people under the Muslim rule
This dynasty lasted until 1258
The Abbasids chose to attack the east, and they made their capital the city of Baghdad -
The Crusades Continued.
They made Crusader states, like , Galilee, Antioch, Edessa and Tripoli.
The Crusaders didn't reach the holy land, but they instead attack the very well protected Constantinople
They didn't expand very much into the Middle east
In 1291 the Crusaders were defeated and the Muslims armies were once again victorious and in control of the entire region -
The Crusades
In 638 Islamic armies captured Jerusalem to protect one of their holy sites
Then Christians invaded to protect their holy city
Also kingdoms in Europe so the crusades as an opportunity to spread their power and wealth
The crusades was from 1095-1291
These were Christians attacking the Muslim world
Christians tried to take back the land that was taken when the Islamic empire took it away
Lots of the fighting took place in Jerusalem but it also took place in Palestine, Egypt, Syria and also Spain -
Life of Muhammad Continued
By the time of his death in 632 he had united most of the region of Medina with his leadership and his faith in Islam.
Now today there are over 1.5 billion Muslims in the world. It is one of the biggest religions in the world.