Period: 1 CE to 570
Arabia Before Muhammad
- Mecca was important trade and religious stop - Diversified city - location of Kaaba (important shrine) - fresh water there
Period: 1 CE to 570
Arabia Before Muhammad
- Bedouins were the majority of first inhabitants (nomadic Arab) - Biblical: Arabs are descendants of Noah - Qur'anic: Arabs are descendants of Ismael - camels and swords were beloved - no strong government - practiced polytheism
Period: 1 CE to 570
Arabia Before Muhammad
- Quraysh; strong local tribe - protected idols in the Kaaba for riches
Muhammad's Call to Prophethood
- Born in 570, into the Hashim family of the Quraysh tribe - Angels went to Anima to foretell of his coming - worked for a wealthy widow - married Khadija had 7 children and only 1 survived
Muhammad's Call to Prophethood
- Abdallah his father dies before he is born - Amina dies when he is six - Uncle takes care of him - Abu Talib
Life of Muhammad - Marriage
- Muhammad marries Khadijah - has a daughter named Fatima - Fatima marries Muhammad's cousin Ali
Life of Muhammad - Suspecting Something Wrong
- when Muhammad is about 40 he starts to notice that something is wrong; his wealthy family won't share with the poor + tribes were always at war
Period: 610 to 612
Life of Muhammad - Revelations/Teachings
- Disturbed by his community, Muhammad goes into the mountains, fasting and praying - Muslims now recognize this practice as Ramadan - Angel visits him on 17th day and shares the word of Allah - tells only wife and cousin about miraculous event - they both encourage him to share what he experienced - waits two years to share
Life of Muhammad - Preachings
- continues to go to the mountain - began to start preaching - preached that there is only one god; Allah - told rich to share with the poor - told people no pressure to convert - gained followers
Period: 617 to 619
Life of Muhammad - Facing Discrimination
- Quraysh wasn't happy with Muhammad's teachings as they worshipped pagan gods - leaders in Mecca discriminate; telling people they should boycott - his wife and Abu Talib die during boycott years - everyone is starving
Life of Muhammad - First Islamic Community
- a tribe called the Yathrib want to be a part of Islam as they are tired of warring - want wisdom from Muhammad to help solve the conflict - this became the first Islamic community
Life of Muhammad - Leaving Mecca
- Muslims were still in danger in Mecca - move to Yathrib tribe - 622 considered start of Muslim era - Quraysh was furious - no Arab tribe had ever split - very different time - Muhammad tells his people that he respects and will protect everyone's opinions and beliefs - starts the settlement of Medina
Period: 622 to 632
Life of Muhammad - Medina
- - Set up to be the first Muslim city - built the first mosque
- - changed the qiblah or direction that Muslims face during prayer - face towards Mecca instead of Jerusalem
Period: 622 to 1258
Constitution of Medina
What it said: - Everyone including people of other faiths under the Umayyad dynasty had to pay taxes to support the empire
Who made it: - Muhammad -
Life of Muhammad - Death + Impact on the World
- united people under leadership and faith - Islam continued to spread rapidly - more than 1.5 billion Muslims today
Period: 632 to 634
Caliph Abu Bakr
Who he was: - Muhammad’s closest friend and most trusted advisor - became the new leader for the Muslim - reunited the collapsing community and died just 2 years after Muhammad
Areas conquered: - Arabian occupied near the Arabian Peninsula - Arabs spread Islam beyond into Europe -
Period: 632 to 634
Caliph Abu Bakr - Riddah Wars
Riddah Wars: - Riddah Wars were a campaign against ex-Muslims who refused to follow Abu Bakr, and claimed they only followed Muhammad, not Islam - Abu Bakr fought the Arabs to regain their support - Abu Bakr won and the Arabs agreed to follow Islam and helped spread the religion beyond the Arabian Peninsula -
Period: 633 to 644
Caliph Umar - Accomplishments
- Formulated the first laws and policies of the Islamic Empire which sustained the empire for many years - thought that people should be able to have their own land and believe whatever religion they wanted - fair ruler overall
Period: 634 to 644
Caliph Umar
Conquered areas: After Abu Bakr had declared war on the Byzantine and Sassanid Empires, Uman took Bakr’s place when Abu died just 2 years after Muhammad - Umar was a good war leader and took control over a well desired Jerusalem along with modern-day Iraq, Syria, Iran, Palestine, and Egypt -
Period: 644 to 656
Caliph Uthman
Areas he conquered: - as ruler, Uthman broadened Arab territory, gaining Iran, Northern Africa, and Caucuses
Important accomplishments: - Uthman was the first person ever to memorize the whole entire Quran - standardized the Quran by destroying all other versions of Quran and made his own edition. -
Period: 656 to 661
Caliph Ali
- The problem was that two different groups of people had different views on who should succeed Uthman - some people thought it should have been an decent Muslim person (Sunni), but others thought it should be Muhammad’s son in law Ali (Shiites) - Ali was later murdered and taken over by a Sunni leader
Period: 661 to 750
Umayyad Dynasty
Areas conquered: - Umayyad dynasty expanded their region collecting North Africa, Spain, and parts of Central Asia
Problems: - The large empire and area of land made it difficult to govern - rebels overthrew empire in 750 -
Period: 750 to 1258
Abbasid Dynasty
Areas conquered: - Replaced the Umayyad dynasty - conquered more of Central Asia
Capital: - Moved capital to Baghdad -
Period: 1095 to 1291
The Crusades
What is a crusade? - A military mission to control the holy city of Jerusalem
How many total were made? - There were 9 Crusades total
What were the major fighting regions? - Jerusalem, Spain, Syria, Egypt, and Anatolia
What were the outcomes of the Crusades? - Islamic culture remained in Jerusalem, and the Christians were defeated and not successful in over throwing Jerusalem