Sep 1, 632
death of Muhammed
The death of Muhammad plunged his followers into grief. The prophet had been a pious and a powerful leader. No one else had been able to unify Bedouin tribes. -
Oct 5, 661
Ali is murdered
Ali became the fourth caliph but he was assassinated in a struggle for leadership. Later his son, too, was killed, Many other Shiites died in the battle against Sunni trying to install their candidates for caliph. -
Oct 5, 711
Muslims crossed the Strait of Gibraltar into spain and pushed north into France.
Muslim armies conquered even more land. Muslims defeated Byzantine forces across North Africa. -
Oct 5, 732
The Muslims were defeated at the battle of Tours
Muslims advanced into Western Europe was halted. Muslims would rule parts of Spain for centuries. -
Oct 5, 750
Discontented, Muslims found a leader in Adu al-Abbas, who captured Damascus
One of his generals invited one of his members of the defeated Umayyad family to a banquet and killed them all. -
Oct 5, 850
Abbassid control over the Arab empire fragmented.
In Spain, Egypt and elsewhere independent dynasties ruled separate Muslim states. As the caliphs power faded civil wars erupted and Shiites rulers took over parts of the empire. -
Oct 5, 900
The Seljuk Turks migrated into the middle-east from central Asia.
They adopted Islam and built a large empire across the fertile crescent. -
Oct 5, 1055
A Suljek sultan or authority controlled Baghdad
He left the Abbasid caliph as a figurehead. -
Oct 5, 1095
Reports of Seljik interferences with christian pilgrims traveling Jerusalem led Pope Urban ll, to call for the first Crusade
As the Seljuk pushed into Asia Minor, they threatened the Byzantine empire. -
Period: Oct 5, 1099 to Oct 6, 1099
Christian Crusaders captured Jerusalem
450 years the city passed back and forth between Muslims and Christians. -
Period: Oct 5, 1187 to Oct 6, 1187
The Muslim general Salah al-Din or Saladin ousted Christians from Jerusalem
They regained it after his death holding it until 1244 -
Period: Oct 5, 1216 to Oct 6, 1216
Genghiz Khan led the Mongols out of Central Asia across Persia and Mesopotamia
Mongol armies returned again and again -
Period: Oct 5, 1258 to Oct 6, 1258
Hulagu, grandson of Genghiz burned and looted Baghdad killing the last Abbassid caliph.
Later, the Mongols adopted Islam -
Period: Oct 5, 1300 to Oct 6, 1300
Another Mongol leader Tinur the Lame or Tamerlane, led his armies into the middle east.
Through he himself was a Muslim. Tamerlane's ambitions led him to conquer Muslim as well as non-Muslim lands. His victorious armies overran Persia and Mesopotamia before invading Russia and India. -
Period: Oct 5, 1492 to Oct 6, 1492
Muslims in Europe seize the last Muslim stronghold
Spain flourished as a center of Muslim Civilization. -
Period: Oct 5, 1520 to Oct 6, 1520
Suleiman becomes ruler of the Ottoman Empire
During his Reign the empire grows and enjoys a golden age.