
Spread of Islam Additions

  • Jun 8, 632

    Muhammad's Death

    Muhammad's Death
    Muhammad dies in 632 C.E in Saudi Arabia.
  • Nov 10, 633

    Abu Bakr

    Abu Bakr
    Abu Bakr Clem's into power after Muhammad's Death.
  • Nov 14, 633

    Abu Bakr contributions Pt. 2

    Abu Bakr began the process of preparing a formal record of Muhammad’s revelations that would eventually be codified in the Quran so all Muslims would share a common holy book.
  • Dec 10, 633

    Abu Bakr Contributions Pt.1

    Abu Bakr Contributions Pt.1
    Abu Bakr begins his military campaigns and begins to fight empires and groups of people immediately after becoming the leader.
  • Dec 14, 633

    Abu Bakr-Interactions with the Byzantines

    Shortly after the prophets death Abu Baker became successor and tried to conquer Byzantine.
  • Dec 20, 633

    Riddah Wars

    Riddah wars were campaigns of territory conquering set off by Abu Bakr.
  • Nov 14, 634


    Umar was one of the next Capilah's after Maha mad and Abu Bakr's deaths.
  • Nov 18, 634

    Umar's Contributions

    Umar contributed to the Islamic stat by working to lay the foundations of an Islamic state to administer the new lands conquered by Arab armies.
  • Dec 14, 634

    Uthmans's Contributions

    Helped spread the Islam word after the death of the other leaves and the prophet,he helped build another type do Quran that was almost exactly like the original.Made people recite parts of the book.
  • Nov 14, 635


    Uthman was one of the prophets companions and soon became one of the Capilah's.