Oct 5, 632
632 Death of Muhammad
Muhammad dies, but the faith he proclaimed continued to spread. He was assassinated for the struggle of leadership. -
Jan 1, 661
661 New Caliph
Mu'awiya, founder of the Umayyad dynasty, becomes the caliph and moves the capital from Mecca to Damascus. -
Sep 28, 711
711 Muslims enter Spain
Muslims enter Spain. Crossed the Strait of Gibraltar into Spain then to France. -
Sep 28, 732
732 Defeated at Tours
Muslims were defeated in the battle of Tours. -
Sep 28, 750
750 Umayyad family dynasty falls
The Umayyad family dynasty they created after Ali's death fell apart. -
Sep 28, 850
850 Caliph's power is gone
Abbassid's control over the Arab empire fragmented. The Caliph's power faded. -
Sep 28, 900
900 Migration to Middle East
Seljuk Turks migrated into the middle east from Central Asia. Adopted Islam and built a large empire. -
Sep 28, 1055
1055 Selijuk left the caliph
A Seljuk sultan left the Abbassid caliph. -
Sep 28, 1095
1095 First Crusade
Seljuk interference with Christian pilgrimages traveling to Jerusalem caused Pope Urban II to call the First Crusade. -
Sep 28, 1099
1099 Conquer Jerusalem
After the long bloody battle, the Christian crusaders conquered Jerusalem. Muslims and Christians passed the city back and forth for 150 years. -
Sep 28, 1187
1187 Recapture of Jerusalem
The Muslim general Salah al-Din ousted the Christians and recaptured Jerusalem. -
Sep 28, 1216
1216 Crusade number Six
The Sixth Crusade. -
Sep 28, 1258
1258 Death of last Abbasid caliph
The Mongol chief Hulegu, attacks Baghdad, massacring the population and killing the last Abbasid caliph. -
Sep 28, 1300
1300 Last of Muslims covert to Christianity
The last Muslims in Sicily are forcibly converted to Christianity. -
Sep 28, 1492
1492 Conquer Granada
Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile, end Muslim rule in Spain by conquering Granada. The last Muslim stronghold. -
Sep 28, 1520
1520 Death of Selim I, Ottoman sultan
Death of Selim I, Ottoman sultan. Selim became the first Ottoman caliph and doubled the size of the Ottoman empire.