Special Education Timeline

  • Referral

  • IEP/Evaluation

  • Period: to

    Initial Referral/Disposition of referral

    Parents who feel their child may have some type of disability can request an evaluation from the school. The parents need to have this piece in writing and submitted to the school. After that, the parents and the school have 15 school days to find a meeting time. During this 15 day process, the IEP team comes together and figures out what the students needs are. Observing the students needs, the team comes up with the related services they feel the student is going to need.
  • Period: to

    The Evaluation

    The initial evaluation needs to be completed within 60 calendar days of the parents written consent form being filed. The student will be assessed on academic achievement to determine their specific needs, along with other health related issues they may be facing that could cause difficulty in class. If the parents need an extension on the evaluation process, they can request an additional 30 days, but no more than that.
  • Period: to

    Evaluations cont.

    The IEP team in charge of the students case goes over the history of the student to get a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. The team already has an idea of how the student is In class from the perspective of the teachers, test results from the state, other evaluations done.
  • Period: to

    The IEP

    The IEP (Individualized Education Plan) can be created following the teams evaluation. If the student is eligible for services, the IEP team has 30 days to develop a plan for the student.
    The IEP meeting is made up of various people from the school. These people could be teachers, administrators, special educators, the parents, guidance counselors, and if the student is 14 or older can join.
  • Period: to

    The IEP cont.

    A students IEP can be long, but full of detail needed to make proper decisions about the students academics. The IEP has various goals that students will hit short-term and long-term. The academic achievement is monitored though the IEP as well, meaning where is the best place for the student to learn. These things are considered with the IEP. Accommodations are also documented within the IEP. Accommodations meaning, extended time on assignments, preferred seating, assistive tech, etc.
  • Period: to


    Parent Information Center on Special Education. (2017, March). Steps in the NH Special Education Process. Retrieved March 21, 2020, from http://nhfv.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Steps-in-NH-Special-Education-2017VA.pdf