
Special Education Process Timeline

  • Child Find

    Child Find
    ECAT/Chilf FindAll states are required to actively look for any child ages 2.5-21 that may have a disability that interfers with learning in a mainstream classroom and may be in need of special education or related services. Manners in which they may identify such children may include "public awareness programs, mailings to parents, television and radio advertisements, and coordinated activities with local service agencies." (Yell, 2012)
  • Disposition of Referral

    Disposition of Referral
    Referral is made by parent, teacher, or any other individual. When a referral is made of a child in a school then a referral letter is sent to the superintendent, special education director, classroom teacher, principal, and other appropriate individuals , and the parent(s) of course. An IEP team has 15 days to determine whether or not the child may have a disability and needs to be evaluated. Within the 15 day deadline parents must ne given written notification of the decision.
  • Evaluation

    Special Education: Referral and EvaluationWritten consent from the parent is required. The evaluation must be conducted by a team of knowledgeable professionals that includes all areas of suspected need. Information must be gathered from a range of relevant sources. When the evaluation is complete the multidisciplinary team must determine eligibility and document their findings in writing.
  • IEP Development

    IEP Development
    What Is an IEP?If evaluation supports the need for an IEP the IEP must be based on he assessments given during the evaluation process and begin with present levels od performance to serve as a baseline for comparisons. Next the IEP must include student academic and functional needs and the goals and/or services to address them. All IEP team particiants must attend the meeting. To be excluded from the meeting parental consent must given in writing 72 hours before the meeting.
  • Placement

    During the IEP meeting appropriate placement must be determined. Student must be placed in a learning environment that is least restrictive and has optimal inclusion with non-disabled peers. While in the classroom the student should be getting the accommodations and services outlined in his/her IEP. Monitoring should be done during this time to track progress, identify any problems or newly emerging issues. If required a review meeting can occur at any time to address issues and changes.
  • Progress Meeting

    Progress Meeting
    Annually the IEP team must meet to review the IEP goals and services to determine if they are accurate and appropriate. CHanges in services and accommodations may be made at this time.
  • Reevaluation

    Every three years students with an IEP must complete evaluations to assertain the educational capabilities of the student. The evaluation includs the educational and physical needs they were originally tested on to determine initial eligibility. A reevalutaion must also be conducted if the parent requests one and/or when a long-term suspension or expulsion os being considered. Parental consent is required.