Special Education Law Timeline

  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Brown V. Board of Education
    The U.S Supreme Court ordered that it was unconstitutional fo desegregate by race, mainly affecting the linguistically, diverse children that were in all white and english language schools. This led to misclassification of students. (Turnbull, Turnbull, Wehmeyer, Shogren, 2007).
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
    A law signed by Lyndon B. Johnson, in order to have equal access to an education for all students and provide federal funding to these students and their families. This act is otherwise known as the "War on Poverty" (Turnbull, Turnbull, Wehmeyer, Shogren, 2007).
  • PARC and MILLS

    PARC and MILLS
    Federal courts ordered the commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the district of Columbia to "provide a free public education to all students with disabilities, educate the students in the same schools as students without disabilities, and place certain procedural safeguards to that parents of these students could challenge the schools" (Turnbull, Turnbull, Wehmeyer, Shogren, 2007)
  • Congressional Investigation

    Congressional Investigation
    Based off the PARC and MILLS ruling, congress revealed that there were many children with special education needs. The "Bereau of Education for the Handicapped found that there were 8 million children requiring special education services" (University of Kansas, 2018).
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    Law signed by president Gerald Ford requiring all states who receive money from the government, must provide equal education for students with disabilities, "in addition providing them with one fee meal per day" (University of Kansas, 2018).
  • All Handicapped Children Act

    All Handicapped Children Act
    An amendment to the All Handicapped Children Act. The amendment ensured that each state help the "families of children born with disabilities from the time they are born" (University of Kansas, 2018).
  • Handicapped Cjhildren's Protection Act

    Handicapped Cjhildren's Protection Act
    The Handicapped Children's Protection Act is a law signed by president Reagan in order to give families of the children with disability more say in the development of their child's education plan, or IEP. (University of Kansas).
  • Education our All Handicapped Children Act

    Education our All Handicapped Children Act
    In 1990, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act added two new disability categories for brain injury and autism. (University of Kansas).
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    Otherwise known as The Education for All Handicapped Children's Act . Presidents Clinton rebooted this act adding "several key amendments" (University of Kansas), providing students with access to the same curriculum. (University of Kansas, 2018).
  • Individuals with Disability Education Act

    Individuals with Disability Education Act
    In 2004, congress amended IDEA, so tat this act benefits all the children who have a disability, regulating how schools discipline the student's who are protected under IDEA. (Turnbull, Turnbull, Wehmeyer, Shogren, 2007).