• independence of the united states

    independence of the united states
    The creation of the declaration of independence, that separated the 13 colonies controled by de united kingdom
  • French revolution

    French revolution
    people who belonged to the worker class rebelled against the upper class to fight for their rights
  • Period: to

    napoleonic empire

    Napoleon was the leader of the French empire for 10 years in which he conquered enough European lands to form part of his empire
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    Ferdinand VII

    This was the king of spain during the ejection of the napoleonic empire from the country
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    spanish american independence

    a lot of wars produced in south america caused the expansion of the spanish independence
  • spanish war of independence

    spanish war of independence
    The Spanish population rebelled against the invaders of the Napoleonic Empire and obligated them to get out from the country.
  • constitution of cadiz

    constitution of cadiz
    this was the first oficial constitution in spain
  • congress of vienna

    congress of vienna
    This meeting brought back the ancient regime in Europe and in addition created two alliances to maintain them: the holy alliance (russia, austria and prussia) and the quadruple alliance (britain, russia, austria and prussia)
  • 1820 revolution countries

    In this year spain turned into a constitutional monarchy. Also countries like portugal, greece and naples (italy) had revolutions to turne the country in a independence country
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    the liberal triennium

    in this years were introduced reformist policies against the church
  • 1830 revolution countries

    In this year Louis-Philippe d'Orleans turned into the king of France. Also Belgium had a revolution that caused their independence
  • Period: to

    Isabella II

    Isabella was the first gorvernor that had made a constitutional monarchy
  • 1848 revolution countries

    In this year Louis-Philippe d'Orleans was abdicated an the creation of the second frech republic is anounced. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte has nouned the presiden. Other countries in europe try to make revolutions, but they fail
  • italian unification

    italian unification
    A lot of revolutions in many places in Italy caused it unification, Victor Emmanuel II became the king
  • German unification

    German unification
    This unification was leaded by Otto Von Bismark. German terrytory includes also parts of France, Prussia and Austria
  • Bourbon restoration

    Bourbon restoration
    In the end of spanish independence republic, Arsenio Martínez Campos came out in favour of restoration of bourbon family