Oct 8, 1492
Columbus first voyage
Colubus was looking for a way to reach India
He actually found North America but he thinks that it is India
It was important that he found North America because thats what led to other explorers to explore North America -
Jan 1, 1519
Pinedas Voyage
he conquerd and maped the coast from Florida to Texas
It was important that he explored texas because he made a map of the coast and made other explorers to come and explorer -
Nov 3, 1519
Cortes voyage
Cortes conquerd the Aztecs in mexico
It was inportant that he conquerd the aztecs because it led to him finding tons of gold which then led to other explorers coming and exporing mexico -
Nov 3, 1528
DeVaca start day
The leader of DeVacas voyage was Narvez
The goal of this entire expedition was to help narvarez look for gold -
Aug 5, 1537
DeVaca discovers texas
Devaca discovers texas by crashing into what is thought to be present day Galveston island and then being discovered by Karankawa indians
They were cought by indian and became slaves to the indians they escaped and walked though central texas
They walked for eight years -
Feb 27, 1539
Fray Marcos and Estaban journey
There entire expedition happened so that they could go and evaluate the landEstaban ended up being killed by the zunis a indian tribe because he demanded food and women
Fray Marcos reportedthat there was cities made out of gold and larger that Mexico City -
Aug 5, 1540
Coronados expedition
Coronado wanted to find the seven cities of gold
He serached for quivera and cibola
Since he reported horrible things about texas the spanish didnt ended up making any major expeditions for 150 years -
Nov 3, 1542
Moscoso expedition
The leader of moscosos exepedition was DeSoto
The porpuse of the expedition was to find gold like any other conquistador
Moscoso liked to wera gold armor so the indians thought he was a god
Since gods dont die when ever moscoso died they buried him without the indians knowing
They gave the same report that coronado gave