Spanish Explorations

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Cloumbus sailed in 1492 with The Pinta,The Santa Maria and The Nina.He was sailing out hoping to find a west water route to India/Asia.They already had ine but Columbus thought it´d be a wonderful idea too have one their own.He wanted to go to Asia/India because they had things they didn´t such as silk and spices.He asked Queen Isabella for ships and sailors but was denied at his first try because Spain was at war with the Moors,he later tried again and was succesful.
  • Oct 11, 1492

    Christopher Columbus PT 2

    Christopher Columbus PT 2
    He was the one who discovered ¨the New World´¨ which was truly North and South America.He was rejected at first by Queen Isabella,then ried again later and was succesful he took off in August 3rd 1942 and saied on the Carribean Islands in Oct. 11 1492.This is important because he made a big discovery,this id no affect the people at the eramuch but it did impact later in time.Majorly.
  • Oct 30, 1520

    Hernan Cortez

    Hernan Cortez
    Cortes conquered Mexico along witg the Aztecs and therir leader Montezuma.He found 99 tons of gold and exactly $6,000 worth of gold.That started making people want to explore,that is why is why it is importanat.
  • Nov 6, 1528

    De Vaca

    De Vaca
    His original leader was Narvez,they(Estebano and De Vaca) were first to explore Texas.He was left in Florida and shipwrecked in Galveston.His goa was not to find anything,justr explore but as the years went by and times got more desperate and all his goal was now was to survive.He went missing for 8 cities before being found in Mexico.He encountered the Jumano,Coahuilatecan and Karankawas.He also reported that he had heard about 7 cities of gold named Cibola.This impacted the future.
  • Nov 6, 1528

    Fray Marcus and Esteban

    Fray Marcus and Esteban
    Fray Marcus was a priest who came along with Esteba and De Vacan.Fray Marcus and Esteban walked through Galveston,Central and West Texas.Fray reported seeing a giant ciy bigger thasn Mexico City.
  • Jul 2, 1543


    Moscoso was a cruel man who cut off feet,hands and tortured the indians,He traveled East Texas.He reported the following ¨Do not go to Texas.harsh land,mean indians, no gold.
  • Sep 22, 1554


    Coronado was i search of Cibola and Quivera.First he traveled withFray Marcus to Cibola.Turk guided him for his second half of the trip to Quivera stating he had once seen it and knew where it was loctated.Coronado stranggled Turk when he found out the city was false.He also impacts the future becauser later Moscoso setps in to explore Texas as well.
  • Pineda

    Pineda was the first to map the Texas coast.He impacts the future because layter in time soeone uses his map.