Aug 3, 1492
Columbus First Voyage
looking for water route to asia and india.he found north and south america. -
Jan 1, 1504
cortes voyage
conqure aztecs, mexico city, and got 6,000,000 -
Jan 1, 1519
pineda voyage
map the texas to florida.it was imported it trigger exploration. -
Jan 1, 1528
de vaca voyage
leader was narves.purpose to look for land. -
Jan 1, 1539
fray marcos and esteban journey
esteban got killed by indians and fray marcos reported he saw 7 cities of gold. -
May 25, 1539
moscoso expedition
was a member of hernando de soto.obtain gold and other riches from the natives people. -
Feb 23, 1540
coronado's expedition
cibola and quivera,the turk, and he killed the turk.