Jan 1, 1492
Columbus' First Voyage
He was looking for Asia and he ran into the Bahamas so people credit him for discovering America. -
Jan 1, 1519
Cortes Voyage
He conquered what is know Mexico City also the Aztecs were conquured by him. He took all of there gold and was ruthless. -
Jan 1, 1519
Pineda's Voyage
He made a map of the gulf coast from Florida to Texas, and his map of the coast led to other exploration. -
Jan 1, 1528
DeVaca Voyage part 1
Searches for gold on the coast and has Narvez as a leader. -
Nov 6, 1528
DeVaca discovers Texas
A storm washed the boats ashore to Galveston, Texas. They stayed there for 8 years and the Krankawas nursed them back to health and fed them. -
Jan 1, 1539
Fray Marcus & Esteban's
To evaluate the land in Texas. Estaban was killed by an Indian tribe and Fray Marcus reported there was a city of Gold as big as Mexico City. -
Jan 1, 1539
Moscosos' Expedition
The leaders was DeSoto but he died of fever so Moscoso takes over. He is said to discover the Missippi River. -
Jan 1, 1540
Cornado's Expedition
He went to look for the 7 Cibola and later Quivera. The guide of the second part was Turk. H ended up dieing from Cornado strangling him because hetricked him. He discovered 2 canyons and he told the Spanish not to return to Texas.