Aug 3, 1492
Columbus' First Voyage
Columbus set sail from Spain to find an all-water route to Aisa. He found very little gold that he was suppose to find for Queen Isabella, which was important for trade. -
Jan 1, 1519
Pineda's Voyage
PIneda and his men were the first Europeans to explore and map the Gulf. It encouraged further exploration along the Gulf Coast that led to coliniztion by spainards and other Europeans. -
Feb 18, 1519
Cortes Voyage
Hernan Cortes was a spanish conquistador. He conquered the Aztec empire and claiming Mexico for Spain. He ruled tenochtitlan through them. -
Nov 6, 1528
DeVaca discovers Texas
DeVaca's journy to Texas was attacked by Indians. Survivors cobbled on boat and wrecked in Galveston Texas. He was in Texas for 4 years. He met the Indian tribes. -
Jan 1, 1540
Fray Marcos and Esteban Journey
Fray Marcos de Niza set out from New Spain (our Central America) to explore lands to the north in the name of Catholicism and the King of Spain. Tried finding information on the rich lands because it would have been great. Esbeban was with other people that were killed because they were trying to cross over to reach the road of the despoblado. Report in order to avoid displeasing the viceroy. -
Jan 1, 1540
Cooronado's Expedition
He searched for Compostela and Cibola. His guide for the second part was AntonioDe Mendoza, which dismissed expedition as a fallure. He discovered the Grand Canyons. He went to find gold, silver, and more riches, but he didn't find any. -
Dec 31, 1540
DeVaca Voyage Part 1 start day
Panfilo Narvaez was DeVaca's leader. The purpose of this expidition was to claim the territory from Florida to Mexico from Spain. -
Jan 1, 1542
Moscoso' Expidition
The leader was De Soto and he eventually died from a fever at the Mississippi River, what is now Arkansas. They were to fifnd an overland route back to New Spain(New Mexico).