Spanish Exploration

  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus First Voyage

    Columbus sailed for Spain in 1492. He explored the Bahamas. He is known for "discovering America." He started Spanish exploration in North America so he made four trips. Columbus originally wanted to find a new rote to China because of the spices and the riches there.
  • Jan 1, 1514

    Cortes Voyage

    Cortes sailed for Spain 1514. His goal was to travel and see new lands. He also wanted to make fame and fortune. He explored Mexico and conquered the Aztec Empire. He brought back 99 tons of gold. He encouraged more exploration because the Spanish thought that all the other Indians would have gold too.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Pireda's Voyage

    Pineda sailed for Spain in 1519. He wanted to find a water passage to the Pacific Ocean. He explored the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. He mapped 800 miles of land . He encouraged further exploration along the gulf coast. That later led to colonization by Spaniards.
  • Jan 1, 1528

    DeVaca Voyage Part One

    DeVaca and his leader Narves was a part of a Spanish expedition led by Narvez. They started in Florida and wanted to find gold. They were starving and desperate so they ate their own horses. They built crude boats to sail back to Cuba.
  • Jan 1, 1537

    DeVaca Discovers Texas

    Only 80 sailers survived the trip when they crashed landed in Galveston, Texas. Unfortunately, Narvez, the leader dies. He reported that he heard stories of the seven cities of gold. This encouraged exploration in Texas.
  • Jan 1, 1539

    Fray Marcos and Estebon Journey

    Fray Marcos and Esteban sailed for Spain in 1539. They wanted to study the land of Texas and New Mexico. When they came back they told stories of seeing a city filled with gold larger than Mexico City. Later the conquistador Coronada is sent to find the golden city. Estebon was killed by Indians.
  • Jan 1, 1540

    Coronado's Expedition

    Coronado saild for Spain in 1540 to find the seven cities of gold and Quivern. He explores five stats and discovers the Polo Dura Canyon and Arizona Canyon. He tells people to not go to Texas because there is no gold.
  • Jan 1, 1542

    Mosco' Expedition

    Moscoso saild for Spain in 1539 in search of gold. He gave the same basic report as Coronado. Despot was the original leader of the exspodition, dut Moscose took over after he died. They explored East Texas.