Spanish exploration

Spanish Exploration

  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus' first voyage

    Christopher Columbus' first voyage
    Columbus was trying to find a faster water route to Asia, but instead he found the New World. This is important because he is what starts exploration in the New World.
  • 1519

    Cortes Voyage

    Cortes Voyage
    Cortes conquered in Mexico, he conquered the Aztec empire. This is important because he sparks an enormous amount of interest in North and South America.
  • 1519

    Pineda's Voyage

    Pineda's Voyage
    Pineda was the 1st explorer to see the mouth of the Mississippi. This is important because his map is gonna lead the next explorer.
  • 1528

    DeVaca's voyage part 1

    DeVaca's voyage part 1
    DeVaca's leader was Narves and they went to explore the coastline.
  • 1528

    DeVaca explores Texas

    DeVaca explores Texas
    DeVaca landed on Texas because they got lost, he was in Teas for 5 years. While he was there he met the Karankawa Indians.
  • 1539

    Fray Marcos and Esteban Journey

    Fray Marcos and Esteban Journey
    Fray Marcos and Esteban went to study the land to the North evaluate. Esteban had went on his own and the Zuni killed him. Fray Marcos reported that he had found the 7 cities of gold.
  • 1539

    Moscoso' expedition

    Moscoso' expedition
    Hernando de soto was moscoso' leader. He went to search for gold. He reported that Texas had no gold.
  • 1540

    Coronado's expedition

    Coronado's expedition
    On the 2nd part of the trip Coronado was looking for the Quivera. He reported back "Do not go to Texas. The land doesn't have gold, it has harsh land and difficult indians." The spaniards did not return for major expedition for 150 years.