Oct 11, 1492
Christopher Columbus
this was an important even becuase it inspired other explorers to begin exploring when they hear about christopher columbus discovering America. he was looking for an alternate route to china for the queen of spain. -
Jan 1, 1518
Cortes voyage
cortes sets sail to find new land in the new world he conquered in mexico and conquered the aztecs -
Jan 1, 1519
pineda expedition
his expedition began in 1519 and sailed along the gulf on mexico he was the first to map florida to texas -
Jan 1, 1525
fran marcos and esteban
esteban was fram marco's slave he was brought with marcos to find the 7 cities of gold they sailed from new spain -
Jan 1, 1527
DeVaca voyage
he sailed from spain in 1527 and became a trader and healer in native amercan tribes he was sent to explore florida for the king of spain -
Nov 6, 1528
DeVaca dicovers texas
they were in florida and decided to build boats and were shipwrecked in galveston and found native american tribes, the tribes treated them nicely