Spanish Exploration

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus' First Voyage

    Columbus' First Voyage
    Christopher Columbus was looking for a route to India, but accidentally stumbled upon the Americas.
  • Jun 2, 1519

    Pineda's Voyage

    Pineda's Voyage
    Pineda was hoping to find a water route from the Gulf to the Orient.
  • Aug 13, 1519

    Cortes' Voyage

    Cortes' Voyage
    Cortes was one of the most well known Spanish Conquistadors. He conquered the Aztec Empire and claimed Mexico for Spain.
  • Apr 15, 1528

    De Vaca Discovers Texas 2

    De Vaca Discovers Texas 2
    Narvaez was De Vaca's leader at the time. Narvaez had 5 ships set sail. They landed on the Floridan Coast. Only a few men were left on the ship, including De Vaca and Narvaez, because all the others died
  • Nov 6, 1528

    De Vaca Discovers Texas

    De Vaca Discovers Texas
    De Vaca's leader was Narvaez. The purpose of the expedition was to claim land from Florida to Mexico for Spain.
  • Mar 25, 1538

    Fray Marcos and Esteban's Journey

    Fray Marcos and Esteban's Journey
    Fray Marcos was the first to report the 7 cities of gold. He was there in 1538 to 1539. Esteban went ahead of Fray Marcos and then later got killed by a group of Indians.
  • May 25, 1539

    Moscoso's Expedition

    Moscoso's Expedition
    Hernando De Soto was Moscoso's leader. He died of fever on May 21, 1542.
  • Sep 22, 1554

    Coronado's Expedition

    Coronado's Expedition
    Coronado searched for the 7 cities of gold. Fray De Niza was the guide. He went back and reported that there was no 7 cities of gold and that there is nothing on the land.