Aug 3, 1492
Columbus Firfst Voyage
Looking for: New trade route for asia
Found: Bahamas
Importance: Back then considered a failute but now it is one of the best. Columbus wanted to trade slaves but Queen said no. -
Jan 1, 1504
Cortes Voyage
Conquered: Aztecs
Importance: Giving spain control over the region and lanching a long spanish conquest that would encompass most americans -
Jan 1, 1519
Pineda's Voyage
Did: First european to explore and map the gulf litoral between the areas of Juan Ponce De Leon and Diego Velazquez
Discovered;Rio Grande -
Jan 1, 1527
De Vaca start day
Purpose:Colonize Flordia -
Nov 5, 1536
Purpose:Find a route to new spain (mexico)
What happened: He died and body got throwned in MI]ississppi -
Nov 6, 1536
De Vaca discoveres Texas
How long:4 years -
Jan 1, 1539
Fray Marcocs and Esteban
Purpose: to explore lands to the north in the name of Catholicism and the King of Spain
Esteban Died
Fray Marcos reported that there were beautiful women and gold -
Nov 5, 1540
Looking for: 7 cites of gold
Cibola and Quivera
Importance: Found palo duro and gand canyon