By .olga.
  • The Sandhurst manifesto

    The Sandhurst manifesto
    It was a manifesto of a political nature signed on December 1, 1874 by Prince Alfonso de Borbón (future King Alfonso XII of Spain), while he was in exile.
    In the document he showed his willingness to become king and supporter of a constitutional monarchy.
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    The Bourbon Restoration (1875 – 1902)

    In 1875, the Bourbon monarchy was restored in Spain.
    Alfonso XII, son of Isabella II, was the new king of Spain.
    Two processes led to the Restoration: Antonio del Castillo, future leader of the Conservative Party, convinced Isabella II to abdicate in favour of her son Alfonso XII who had the support of the army and the bourgeoisie. And a new pronouncement by General Martinez Campos at the end of December 1874 proclaimed Alfonso XII king.
  • Constitution of 1876

    Constitution of 1876
    It was promulgated on June 30, 1876 by Antonio Cánovas del Castillo and was the basis of the Bourbon Restoration.
    It remained in force until 1923, until the Coup d'etat of Primo de Rivera, which makes it the longest-standing constitution in the history of Spain up to this moment (47 years).
  • Foundation of the PSOE

    Foundation of the PSOE
    The Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) was founded in Madrid on May 2, 1879 by Pablo Iglesias Possé, constituting one of the oldest workers' parties in Europe.
  • Bases de Manresa

    Bases de Manresa
    The Bases for the Catalan Regional Constitution, better known as Bases de Manresa, are a document approved on March 27, 1892 by the first Assembly of Manresa of the Catalanist Union, a coordinator of several Catalanist associations of the time distributed throughout the territory.
    It was the first concrete project of a Catalan self-government proposed from Catalonia.
  • Foundation of PNV

    Foundation of PNV
    In 1897 the PNV was founded.
    The Basque Nationalist Party (PNV), founded by Sabino Arana, is a political party of Basque and Christian nationalist ideology.
  • The war between Spain and USA

    The war between Spain and USA
    It was a warlike conflict that confronted Spain and the United States in 1898, the result of the US intervention in the Cuban War of Independence.
    At the end of the conflict, Spain was defeated and its main results were the loss of Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Guam, which became colonial dependencies of the United States.
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    The reign of Alfonso XIII

    Alfonso XIII was king from 1886 until the beginning of the 2nd Republic(1931). Was monarch from birth as his father, Alfonso XII, died the previous year. Maria Christina of Austria, his mother, served as regent until he assumed the power on his 16 birthday.
    During his reign, the country experienced 4 problems that contributed to the end of the monarchy: lack of political representation of broad social groups; poor situation of the popular classes; problems from the Rif War; Catalan nationalism.
  • The Algeciras Conference

    The Algeciras Conference
    The Algeciras Conference took place in the Spanish city of Algeciras.
    In this conference the distribution of the Moroccan protectorate between Spain and France was fixed. France was assigned the southern protectorate and Spain the northern one.
  • The Tragic Week of 1909

    The Tragic Week of 1909
    The events that occurred in Barcelona and other cities in Catalonia between July 26 and August 2, 1909 are known as Tragic Week. They were violent confrontations between the Spanish army and anarchists, socialists and republicans. The trigger for these violent events was the decree of the Premier Antonio Maura to send troops from reserves to the Spanish possessions in Morocco, the majority of these reservists being parents of the working classes. The unions called a general strike.
  • Disaster at Annual

    Disaster at Annual
    It occurred between July 22 and August 9, 1921, near the Moroccan town of Annual, located between Melilla and the Bay of Alhucemas. It was a battle between the Spanish Army and Berber Riffian combatants during the Rif War. The Spanish Army suffered a major military defeat. IThis defeat led to major political crises and a redefinition of Spanish colonial policy toward the Rif.
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    Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera

    The dictatorship of Primo de Rivera was the political regime that existed in Spain from the coup d'état of the captain general of Catalonia, Miguel Primo de Rivera, on September 13, 1923, until his resignation on January 28, 1930.
    The General Miguel Primo de Rivera spoke out against constitutional legality, declared a state of war and addressed the monarch to demand that power pass into the hands of the military.
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    The Second Republic

    The Second Spanish Republic was elected in a peaceful and democratic way, being proclaimed on April 14, 1931, replacing the monarchy of Alfonso XIII.
    It began as a late consequence of the crack in 1931 and ended with General Franco's coup in 1939 after the Spanish Civil War.
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    Reformist Biennium

    The Reformist Biennium constitutes the 1st stage of the Second Spanish Republic, delimited between its proclamation(April 14,1931) and the holding of general elections(November 1933), which gave way to the 2nd biennium.
    The government was chaired by Manuel Azaña and made up of leftist republicans and socialists.
    Some reforms made during this period: expropriation of the latifundio; distribution of land among the peasants; reform worker-employer relations; approval the Statute of Catalonia(1932).
  • Municipal elections of 1931

    Municipal elections of 1931
    The municipal elections of April 12, 1931 were perceived as a plebiscite on the monarchy of Alfonso XIII.
    The Second Spanish Republic was proclaimed after this elections.
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    Conservative Biennium

    The Conservative Biennium constitutes the period of the Second Spanish Republic, between the general elections of November 1933 and those of February 1936, during which the Republican center-right parties led by the Radical Republican Party of Alejandro Lerroux, allied with the Catholic right wing of the CEDA (Spanish Confederation of Autonomous Rights) and the Agrarian Party, first from the parliament and then participating in the government.
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    The Popular Front

    The Popular Front was a Spanish electoral coalition, created in January 1936 by the main left parties. On February 16, 1936, won the last elections held during the Second Spanish Republic before the coup that would trigger the Civil War.
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    The Spanish Civil War

    The Spanish Civil War was a social, political and warlike conflict that was unleashed in Spain after the failure of the coup of July 17, 1936, made by one part of the Army against the government of the 2nd Republic.
    ·Republican side supporters: Soviet Union & Mexico.
    ·Nationalist side supporters: Nazi Germany, Italy & Portugal.
    It would end with the last part of the war signed by Franco, declaring his victory and establishing a dictatorship taht would last until his death (November 20,1975).
  • The bombing of Guernika

    The bombing of Guernika
    On April 26, 1937, the Condor Legion, a squadron of German and Italian planes in favor of the nationals, dropped thousands of explosives on Guernica, a Basque town, to fight against the government of the Second Spanish Republic. Wolfram Von Richthofen gave the order to bomb Guernica, since he was the commanding general of the Condor Legion. The town that had 5,000 inhabitants was reduced to rubble. There were about 300 deceased victims.