Spain In The 19th Century

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    Charles IV

  • Industrial revolution

    The industrial revolution came to Spain in 1789 (after a big part of Europe)
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    Defeat of Spain

    The king joined the international coalition, that was an allince between countries in Europe in order to defeat France, but France defeated Spain
  • Treaty of Fontainebleau

    When France defeated Spain Manuel Godoy (Charles IV´s prime minister) changed his strategy and he made this treaty to allow the French troops to pass across Spain to invade Portugal.
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    War of Independence

    This are a group of revolutionary movements and rebelions.
  • Napoleomic invasion

    The Sapinsh people weren´t agree with the Treaty of Fontainebleau and they fought against them in the Mutiny of Aranjuez. For this Godoy resigned and then Charles IV too.
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    Spanish-American independence

    In this space of time almost all the Spanish colonies independent from Spain
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    French offensive

    Napoleon inavde a big part of Spain and, in 1812 he took many troops to invade Russia.
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    Popular resistance

    Some trooops started the guerrilla warfare but the Spanish army stopped them
  • Cantral Supreme Junta

    Its goal was to repel the invasion and to find a government to represent Spain. They created the Constitutuion of 1812
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    Joseph I

  • Constitution

    The Juntas met in Cadiz and there they created this Constitution of 1812. It established national sovereignty, separation of powers and universal male suffrage.
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    Anglo-Spanish victories

    With the help of Great Britain, Spanish troops defeated the French troops.
  • Treaty of Valençay

    This treaty said that the Spain´s crown had to go to Ferninad VII.
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    Ferninad VII

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    Years of absolutism

    Spain returned to the absolutism because Ferninad VII repealed the Constitution of 1812 and the reformes proposed. Liberals that fought to have a constitutional monarchy were persecuted.
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    Liberal Triennium

    In 1820 Colonel Rafale del Riego forced the king to restablished the Constitution and he established The National Militia to defend the Constitution. In 1823 with the Holy Alliance restored the absolutism in Spain.
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    Ominous Decade

    The problems in Spain led to a crisis of the Absolute Monarchy. A fiscal reform had to be adopted and the priviledges had to pay taxes. This social group acepted because they were the most defenders of Absolutism. When Isabella (the Ferninad´s daughter)was borned the crisis intensified because the Slic Law said that a women couldn´t be queens. However Ferdinand VII signed the Pragmatic Sanction in 1830 that repealed the Salic Law. But absolutists oppposed these and wanted Charles to be the king
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    Regency of Maria Christina

    Maria Christina initially supported the moderate liberals. But some revolts forced her to handpower over the progessive liberals. The leader of liberals started the abolishment of the Ancien Regime.
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    1st Carlist War

    This was the war between absolutists ,that defend Carlos to take the crown, and liberals that support Isabella II to get a constitutional monarchy.
  • Constitution

    The Constitution of 1837 recognised national sovereignty with census suffrage, the separation of powers and two chambers.
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    Regency of Espartero

    When Maria Christina was forced to go out of the regency, the proggresive General Espartero was appointed regent. His regency finished because Isabella II was "adult"
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    Isabella II

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    The Moderate Decade

    Isabella II was declared adult when she was 13 years old. During his reign Moderate Liberal Party, led by General Narváez, remained in power. A new Constitution was declared in 1845. The moderate liberals also created a penal code, develop a national education, and in 1844 the Guardia Civil was created. The athoritarian tendencies of political leaders led to military revoltes.
  • Constitution

    In this Constitution civil liberties were limited and sovereignty was shared between the Corte and the Crown.
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    The Proggresive Biennium

    After the Vicalvarada Isabela II was forced to give power to proggresives and Espartero leadered again. The Cortes propose a new Constitution but it failed. The government did three fundament laws; the confiscation, the General Railway Law and the Mining Act.
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    The system in decline

    A new crisis in Espartero´s government made Isabella II gave the power to O´Donell and his Liberal Union. From 1856 the unionists and moderates alternated in the power and two more grouos emerged; the democrats and the republicans who wanted a republic.In 1866 Isabella´s reign deteriorated because of an economic crisis that led to a new military revolt.
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    Six years of democracy

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    The revolution and the peovisional government

    The revolution of 1868 was triggered by General Prim, Admiral Topete and General Serrano. In the Battle of Alcolea finnaly forced queen Isabella and her heir into exile. A new Constitution was formed in 1869.
  • Constitution

    The Constitution of 1869 established national sovereignty, universal male suffrage. It recognise the individual´s rights and decreed the separation of Church and state. It also established a parliamentary monarchy so they chosen a new king (Amadeo of Savoy)
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    Amadeo I

    Amadeo of Savoy was a liberal king that contributed the unification of Italy. Many problems, culminated in the War of Cuba (1869) force Amadeo to abdicate and leave the country.
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    Second Carlist War

    The war started in the reign of Amadeo I but finished in the reign of Alfonso XII
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    The First Republic

    The Republic had four presidents; Figueras, Pi y Margall, Salmerón and Castelar and it had some problems:
    -The division between some social groups
    -Cuban insurrection and a new Carlist war
    -Cartagena autoproclaimed it independent
    -The monarchist opposition of the son of Isabella II
    In January 1874 a coup led by the General Pavía dissolved the Cortes and proclaimed General Serrano head of state.
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    Alfonso XII

  • Constitution

    The Constituion of 1876 proposed a constitutional monarchy, and a share of power to Cortes and the king and establshed bicameral Cortes. It was moderate with an extensive Bill Of Rights and forms of suffrage.
  • Pact of Zanjón

    A treaty that finish the second Carlist War
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    Regency of Maria Christina

    During her regency the system of alternating power was consolidated throught the Pact of Pardo and in 1890 the liberals introduced universal male suffrage.