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The final years of the 18 century
The war of Spanish Succession
The war of the Spanish succession was an international conflict that lasted from 1701 until the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, as fundamental causes the death childless Carlos II of Spain, the last representative of the House of Habsburg, and left as a main result the establishment of the House of Bourbon on the throne of Spain. -
Centralitation of powers
The defeat of three rebellius region Catalonia,Aragon and Valencia gave Philip the perfect excuse to abolish the fueros -
Treaty of Utrech
The Treaty of Utrecht, also known as the peace of Utrecht or Treaty of Utrecht-Rastatt, is, in fact, a set of agreements signed by the States of the antagonists in the war of the Spanish succession between the years 1713 and 1715 in the Netherlands Utrecht and Rastatt German. The treaties put an end to the war, although later a his signature continued hostilities in Spanish territory until July of 1715, moment in which the Marquis of Asfeld took the city of Mallorca. -
The first family compact
Italian born Isabel Farmese of Parma.She schemed to obtain italin kingdoms for her two sons.The Compact prove beneficials.In 1734 , Spanish troops recovered Naples and Sicily snd Isabel older son Chales was crowned king -
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The Family Compacts
The struggle of power between Britain and France during the 18 century frequently placed Spain in an awkward situation -
The Second Family Compact
Support of Fraance with the Austrian War of Succession in the istallation of Carles younger brother Philip as duke of Parma and Piacenza in 1748 -
The Third Family Compact
The Seven years war, is was a war between Britain and France for colonial supremacy and ustria and prussia confflicts over domination of gGerman lands -
The economic reform
Agriculture:Canals were built to facilitate irrigation and unhabited areas were colonosied
Industry: royal manufactures were establish for silk , porcelain and other luxury goods -
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The Enlighttenment in Spain
Is was a period were several reforms were made like economic reforms -
A new treaty was signed in Fance
A treaty was signed in 1795 were France retire troops of the north Pyrenees -
Treaty of San Idefonso
decleare war to britain.Frano-Spanish fleet was crushed at Cape St Vicent , the island of Trinidad was taken by England -
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The 19 century
This was a period of inestabilty and conflicts -
The Peninsula War
Charles IV with a corrupt and ineficient goverment headed by Godoy , kowtowed to France and joined her in the wars againts europeans countries.
Napoleon made both Charles and Ferdinand abdicate their rigths to the throne on wich Napoleon place his brother Joseph -
Ferdinand VII (PHOTO)
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Ferdinand VII
Restoration of absolutism :
After becoming king he abolish the costitution of 1892
The liberal period: In 1820 Riego made a pronunciamiento.As a result he restored the constitution
The victory of absolutism : in 1823 Ferdinand asked the Holly Alliance to assist hum re-establishing the absolutism, it lasted ten years of repression and persecution. -
The First Contitution ( La Pepa)
There was a goverment in Cadiz representing Ferdinand,they include the followings things:
-costitutional monarchy
-national sovereignty
-universal male suffrage
-separation of powers
-right to privacy ,freedom of the press and prohibition -
Isabella II (photo)
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Isabella II
Isabella was born to the fourth wife of Ferdinand VII (Maria Cristina) sstrongly preffered by the liberal minsters
-Moderate Liberal Party: they favoured a stronger monarchy
She went in to exile in France -
The Democratic monarchy of Amadeus of Savoy (1873-74)
The new king of Spain by Amadeus of Savoy and the third Carlist war. He abdicatedd because both republicans and Carlist rejected him -
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The First Republic
-Demands for greater regional autonomy in Andalucia , Levante and Cataluña
-Division of republicans
-The third Carlist War(1872-76) -
Treaty of San il