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South Ranchito 21st Century Student Learning

  • S.R. 4 C's District & Community Framework

    S.R. 4 C's District & Community Framework
    The district held several meetings with principals, teachers, parents and community members regarding the 4 C's and created a theory of action framework for student achievement.
  • S.R. Staff & Community Develop A Plan to Implement Theoretical Framework

    S.R. Staff & Community Develop A Plan to Implement Theoretical Framework
    Staff, parents, and community meet and share their ideas and insight towrads implementing the 4 C's and review their role in the district's theoretical framework plan.
    With teachers, develop a list of the student outcomes that our students will need to become 21st century citizens and learners.
  • Plan Professional Development Around Our Goals

    Plan Professional Development Around Our Goals
    We have been trained on performance tasks and are currently using them in the classroom.
    We are currently being trained on Project Based Learning and will be focusing on training the entire staff this year.
    Analyzing our student outcomes, talking with teachers regarding what skills they need to successfully implement these lessons/skills, as a staff we will list the professional development that will take place 2015-16.
  • Technology Purchases

    Technology Purchases
    Work with the district and our site budget on implementing a 1:1 device for all students at South Ranchito.
  • Teachers at South Ranchito Run Our Professional Development

    Teachers at South Ranchito Run Our Professional Development
    Teachers share and demonstrate lessons: PBLs, performance tasks, online tools/programs, student reports/projects/portfolios, best practices.
  • Accountability

    Collect data every trimester to evaluate and make suggestions on how to improve as well as to see if we met our target. Continue to monitor and implement our plan.
  • Instructional Rounds

    Instructional Rounds
    Full implementation of Instructional Rounds. Focus is on student learning. 100% of teachers participating.
  • Embeding the 4C's into Curriculum & Assessment

    Embeding the 4C's into Curriculum & Assessment
    Embeding the 4C's into curriculum and assessments by backward mapping/design by teachers. Summer Curriculum Planning.
  • Professional Learning Communities Focused on the 4 C's

    Professional Learning Communities Focused on the 4 C's
    Professional Learning Communities that are focused on the 4 C's.
    Helping Teachers Focus On Student Work. Review student work & Assignments/Projects asking if it displays the 4C's and mastery of them.
  • Each grade level has at least one I-pad or Chromebook Cart

    Each grade level has at least one I-pad or Chromebook Cart
    At least 1 cart for each grade level has been purchased and shared by each grade level.
  • 1:1 Technology for ALL students

    1:1 Technology for ALL students
    Every student has access to a technology device the entire school day at the discretion of the teacher. Computer lab is eliminated because the "lab" is built in to the classroom and students have access throughout the day. Technology integration in all subjects.