South african History

  • The national Party

    The national Party
    The National Party (NP) wins election and immediately introduces apartheid
  • apartheid

    The general assembly of the un on apartied
  • African and some other delegates walked out

    African and some other delegates walked out
    African and some other delegates walked out of the International Labour Conference in Geneva when delegates of the Government and employers of South Africa went to the rostrum to participate in the general debate on the Director-General's report.
  • Policiesof Apartheid

    Policiesof Apartheid
    Firstmeeting of the Special Committee on the Policiesof Apartheid of the Government of the Republicof South Africa
  • Security Council adopted resolution 282

    Security Council adopted resolution 282
    Rhe country decide to strogen it arms
  • TheGroup of Experts on South Africa

    TheGroup of Experts on South Africa
    they start to do reasearch on the future of there country
  • The General Assembly

    The General Assembly
    this is the day when they make a national holiday of stopping racisum for the most part
  • The General Assembly

    The General Assembly
    the country request to suspend cultural educational, sporting, and other things that have racist regime
  • The Security Council

    The Security Council
    they finnaly meet and decide that the slave have to hard of lives
  • The General Assembly decided

    The General Assembly decided
    They decided to not acceoptthe crdentials or the representitve
  • release of Nelson Mandela

    release of Nelson Mandela
    They have finally releaced him after 20 years
  • Black railway

    Black railway
    railroads workers lead to worst riot and vilence since the goverment declared a state of emergency
  • Security Council

    Security Council
    the secerity general send a report for the recomindation for the observation of election in south africa
  • All race election

    All race election
    The secong all race election happens on june 2
  • Nelson

    Nelson mandela dies at 95