South Africa history

  • Under Dutch rule

    English and Dutch began to challenge the Portoguese along their trade routes.
    The cape was under dutch rule from 1652
    The aim was to establish a refreshment station to supply the crew of the Company's passing trading ships with fresh water, vegetables and fruit, meat and medical assistance.
  • Invasion by the British

    The Invasion of the Cape Colony was a British military expedition launched in 1795 against the Dutch Cape Colony
    The British expedition was led by Vice-Admiral Sir George Keith Elphinstone
    Attempts were made to negotiate a settlement with the colony, However talks achieved nothing therefore 7 August they attaced
  • Period: to

    South African War

    The Boer War/South African War.
    Fight between Great Britain and two small republics in South Africa
    The boers was not expected to survive long against the worlds greates power
    Sir Wilfrid Laurier agreed as a compromise To send voulentiers to Sout Africa.
    Boers inficled losses on te Britains, but were defeated in several key engagements.
    Of the canadians who served in South Africa, 267 were killed.
  • Union established

    The union of South africa is estabilshed from the former Bristish colonies
  • organizations established

    Organizations, places, and other things founded or established in the year 1912.
  • Period: to


    Apartheid name of the racial instituition, established 1948
    Term - literally means “apartness,” reflected a violently repressive policy
    Designed to ensure that whites - continue to dominate the country.
    System of racial segregation.
    People divided into categories - decided where you live, what jobs you can have.
    Petty apartheid=Apartheid in public places and social events
    Grand apartheid=Apartheid in housing and employment.
    Although policy began 1948 - practise of discrimmination began earlier
  • Public university

    The university of port elizabeth is established. This is a public univeristy
  • Born free generation

    South Africa since 1994 transitioned from the system of apartheid to one of majority rule. The election of 1994 resulted in a change in government with the African National Congress (ANC) coming to power. Children born during this period are known as the born-free generation, and those aged eighteen or older, were able to vote for the first time in 2014
  • World cup

    It took place in South Africa from 11 June to 11 July 2010.
  • South olympic mountain biker

    South African Olympic mountain biker and former age group world champion Burry Stander is killed in a road accident while training near his home.