Apr 16, 1480
travel around the tip of Africa
Portuguise navigator Bartholomeu Dias is the first European to travel around the southern tip of Africa. -
Britain conquer Holland
Brittish forces conquer the territory of Netherland. But the territory returns to the dutchmens in 1803. -
The Zulu empire
From 1816-1826 Shaka Zulu founds and expands the Zule empire, creates a formidable fighting force. -
Diamonds discovered
Diamonds were discovered at Kimberley. -
Britain defeat the Zulus
- in Natal
Gold is discovered
-in the middle of the 80's. Gold is discovered in Transvaal. -
Native National Congress founded, later renaimed the African National Congress. -
Land Act
Land Act introduced to prevent blacks from buying land. (The whites were allowed though.) -
National Party
-founded. -
South West Africa
-comes under south african administration. -
Mandela sentenced
Nelson Mandela was sentenced to lifetime. -
600 killed
More than 600 were killed in protests in Soweto. -
Mandela released
Mandela was released after 27 years in prison. -
Agreement on temporary constitution
.. -
Mandela becomes president
Governtment of National Unity formed. South Africa returns a member of UN Generel Assembly after 20-years of absence.