Social Movements in Mexico

  • Period: to

    Mexican Independence

    Social movement with the intention of being independent from Spain.
    1811: "Cry of Dolores", Hidalgo encourages people to fight for their freedom. José Maria Morelos leads the movement.
    1815: Gerrillas
    1821: Plan de Iguala
  • Compañia Lancasteriana

    Compañia Lancasteriana
    Cultural association to provide education. It was not related to any party.
    Founded by Manuel Codorniu, Manuel Fernández Aguado, Agustín Buenrostro, Ignacio Rivoll, Eduardo Torreau
    Made after Agustin de Iturbide took power there was no money to give proper education to people
  • Chartism

    Working class movement created on Britain.
    - Vote for men
    - Better payment
    - Less work hours
  • Period: to

    Revolution of Ayutla

    The purpose of this movement was not only to overthrow the dictator (Antonio López de Santa Anna) but also to change the country's policy through armed conflict.
    It had its center in the state of Guerrero, which is located in the south of the country.
    This movement was mainly guided by Juan Álvarez and Ignacio Comonfort. After these events, both came to the presidency of Mexico.
  • Period: to

    The Reform

    Also known as the three-year war, where two parties (Liberals and Conservatives) with different ideologies struggled to preserve the economic and social structure of the monarchical model with special privileges for the ruling classes, and the others to free themselves from the old state period and establish what the new current was.
    The Liberals defeated the battle of Calpulalpan on December 22, 1860, commanded by General Jesús González Ortega.
  • Battle of Puebla

    Battle of Puebla
    Benito Juárez was the president. 70% of the economic resources went as a deposit to the payment of external debts that had with Spain, England and France. Juarez suspended payments and European powers mobilized their troops, 3 of them withdrew them because of the treaty of the "Soledad" but France decided to carry out the invasion. The Mexican forces were commanded by the generals I. Zaragoza, M. Negrete and P. Díaz. Mexico won the battle of Puebla, but the war with France continued until 1867.
  • Cananea and Rio Blanco Strikes

  • Mexican Revolution

  • Period: to

    Guerra Cristera

  • Feminist movements

  • 1968 Student Movement

    1968 Student Movement
    A broad coalition of students from Mexico's leading universities garnered widespread public support for political change in Mexico, particularly since the government had spent large amounts of public funding to build Olympic facilities for the 1968 Mexico City Olympic Games. The political movement was suppressed by the government with the violent government attack on a peaceful demonstration on 2 October 1968, known as the Tlatelolco Massacre.
  • Strike in "Pascual" Company

    Strike in "Pascual" Company
    The Mexican Government decreed a mandatory increase in the salary (10% - 30%). The owner, Rafael Jimenez refused to pay to his employees so they decided to make a strike against the company and stop working in both factories. Jimenez tries to finish the strike in a violent way, which ends up with 2 deceases and 17 wounded. Jimenez is accused of murderer, his daughter takes the leadership of the company and paid to the workers and families of the victims.
  • Period: to

    Ejercito Zapatista de Liberación Nacional

    Started in Chiapas, at the same time as the NAFTA.
    Indigenous people wanted to overthrow the president (Salinas de Gortari) and a more participative democracy, work, educacion, health service and other basic rights.
  • Atenco's Social Movement

    Atenco's Social Movement
    In October 2001, the federal government issued nineteen expropriating decrees in order to build a new airport in Texcoco, Estado de México. Against this decision, the population from several communities set up the social movement of Atenco.
  • Atenco 2.0

    The presidente at the time (Fox) still tries to build an airport in Texcoco. The population from Atenco marched to the Zocalo, where a violent confrontation broke through
  • Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad

    Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad
    Formed on april 26th after Javier Sicilia's son was murdered because of the organized crime. Sicilia asked mexican population to rise against the violence that was happening in the country.
    It started in Cuernavaca in May 05th and ended in Mexico city three days later.
    When the march finished, a national treaty against the insecurity was signed in Chihuahua, in june 10th.
    The purpose of the movement was getting justice for all the victims of organized crime.
    Red Global por la Paz en Mexico.
  • #YoSoy132

    Before the 2012 presidential elections, the candidate Enrique Peña Nieto was in a political campaign in the "Universidad Iberoamericana" where he was received by a student protest. Media declared the students were actually supporters of Lopez Obrador. In a video 131 students said they wanted the media to be cleared and unhandled. It is considered one of the most important student movements over the last 4 decades.
  • Movement against the 43 students' dissapereance

    Movement against the 43 students' dissapereance
    A series of attacks that left nearly 10 deceases, 43 dissapereances, 27 wounded. Police from Iguala attacked students from the Escuela Normal Rural de Ayotzinapa.
    Given the uncertainty, it is a worldwide known event.
  • Movement against women violence

    Movement against women violence
    After several cases of rape, murder and other crimes against mexican women, a manifestation is made in Mexico City where other women demanded punishment for those who commited the crime.
    The movement was severly criticized because of the vandalization of monuments.