• Period: to

    2012-2013 School Year

  • Professional Development (2 hours)

    You Tube Video- Build Plane in the Air(2 hours) Professional Development, Introduce SMARTER BALANCED.

    5-10 Minute Introduction
    Show Questions that people came up with
    Show some samples, either printed or linked on google Bring Laptops
    Jeopardy Game (include some sample questions)
    Shared Google Doc questions
    Slides from Jenny's beginning Slide Rocket
    Share Timeline or Plan of implementation
    See sample problems and possibly share people's answers
  • How Do We Evaluate Students (Change Date)

    Bring a test example from something you have done.
    Bring Bloom's Taxonomy and highlight words that you have used that relate to the words in Bloom's
    Find out where your testing language is and try to come up with different ways to rewrite better, higher level questions.
    Collaborate to see how we can better ask questions.
    How do we better question our students?
  • District Staff Development

    Smarter Balanced TBA
  • Period: to

    2013-2014 School Year

  • Fall Professional Development

    Smarter Balanced TBA
  • Winter Professional Development

    Smarter Balanced TBA
  • Spring Professional Development

    Smarter Balanced TBA
  • Period: to

    2014-2015 School Year

  • Fall Professional Development

    Smarter Balanced TBA
  • Winter Professional Development

    Smarter Balanced TBA

    Students taking actual Smarter Balanced Assessment. Survey students to see how they felt about this assessment:
    1. Were they prepared?
    2. How else could we prepare them?