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SMART Goal Log

By Lillie
  • Dinner Out with friends

    Tonight I went for dinner out with friends. I sat with Cheryl and had an awesome conversation. ....
    Barrier..... Enabler....
  • Period: to

    Daily Log of my progress

  • Work, work, work

    What I did.... Barrier... Enablers...
    How did I feel...
    How did I overcome my barrier....
  • Communication

    Today i talked with my sister on skype. She told me about what she'd been up to and asked how things were going over here. It was great!
  • Soldier On

    It is actually very hard to make up 'fake' blog posts. Today I continued to work on different assignments. I think I am going to make it!
  • Not another one!

    So today we got hit with another not one but TWO big earthquakes. University has been evacuated and home is a bit of a mess. I don't know how long we will have off classes. You would think that I'd be glad for the oppotunity to purely focus on assignments, but that is not the case. I can't work at home with so many distractions. This is going to be a frustrating week!
  • And again

    Well the shakes just don't stop!
    A 5.4 this time around. The interesting part is that it hit out my side of town in Halswell BUT the opposite side of town lost power! the earth is random. BUT class is going ahead as planned. Yay for the engieneers
  • Last Day

    So today was our last day of Semester one and I have made it through. I handed in my final three assignments and now just have to tidy up and submit my e-portfolio!
    How did I manage to do it, I don't know!
  • Now it's done!

    So now I am getting ready to submit my e portoflio. This blog, along with Google Reader will contribute to one of my resources...