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Moments of Significance - Kim Friesen

  • My birthday!

    My birthday!
    Born in Sioux City, Iowa, to Vernamae and Alfin Aspleaf, Sr. Though a surprise, I was much loved and my birth was a happy occasion for most of the family. My sister, who had been the baby for 7 years, however, was not so thrilled and once tried to sweep me out of the crib.
  • The baby of the family

    The baby of the family
    Being 7-16 years younger than my four siblings, mama splurged and took me to JCPenney or Sears for annual pics. I was like mom's little bonus.
  • My dad and Jeopardy taught me to read!

    My dad and Jeopardy taught me to read!
    Dad was off of work for much of a year to convalesce following a construction site accident when I was 4 years old. We watched Jeopardy together almost every day and he used the TV show as a powerful teaching tool. I was reading 2nd+ grade level books when I entered Kindergarten the following Fall. I still love to read.
  • Learned to play the stock market and chess from my 6th grade teacher.

    Learned to play the stock market and chess from my 6th grade teacher.
    Mr. Tony Petekovich was my favorite teacher. He believed that all children could learn and that girls could be good at math and science. I admired him so much - an immigrant from Poland and a survivor of polio. I continued to seek him out even after my high school graduation. I am glad I had the opportunity to thank him for the impression he left on my life.
  • Vietnam War was an emotional time.

    Vietnam War was an emotional time.
    During the Vietnam War, I began to understand the horrors of war as television newscasts showed war scenes and bodies on stretchers. My middle school friends and I ordered MIA/POW bracelets to support the soldiers. Seems like a silly thing to do, perhaps to others, but it was meaningful to us.
  • I became a child of God.

    I became a child of God.
    I was raised in the church. My family was connected with the Seventh Day Adventist denomination. As a teen, I attended a Christian concert. It was at that concert that I came forward to receive Christ as my Savior. Up until that time I had seen Jesus as more of a rule maker; when the band leader shared his view of Jesus as full of love and mercy it struck a chord. I wanted His love to fill my life. Music continues to be one of the ways I worship and experience His love.
  • Senior adventure to England and Spain

    Senior adventure to England and Spain
    Approximately 30 students and 4 adults spent three weeks in England and Spain. It was a trip designed for our upper level Spanish classes and Honors program students. I loved the culture, art, architecture, and people of Spain, especially in the small villages we visited. Our time in England centered on the tourist sites in London; I loved the architecture, culture, and language. Featured is an original oil painting which I bought from an aged street artist in Madrid.
  • Graduated with Top 5% Honors from West High School in Sioux City, IA.

    Graduated with Top 5% Honors from West High School in Sioux City, IA.
    I had always loved to learn and school was quite easy for me. I was surprised to receive this honor because I did not even realize where I stood in class standings. During my years at WHS I was a wrestling cheerleader and in Spanish Honors Society.
  • Attended Morningside College in Sioux City, IA.

    Attended Morningside College in Sioux City, IA.
    Not terribly adventuresome as a teen and the first member of my family to attend college, I chose to stay close to home and attend a local private college. During those years I was a TA in the the Education Department, a boys' basketball cheerleader, and a member of the ADPi Sorority. I graduated with Honors in Dec. of 1981 with a BS degree, majoring in Elementary Education and minoring in Psychology. I also earned my Reading Endorsement.
  • Married my high school sweetheart while in college.

    Married my high school sweetheart while in college.
    After dating for four years, I married Scott Wilson. While enjoyable at times, it was not an easy life and we divorced after 20+ years of marriage. Divorce is messy business.
  • First child was born - Greggory Scott Wilson

    First child was born - Greggory Scott Wilson
    With excitement I held my little Greggory the first time. He was, and still is, beautiful. Highly curious, gifted, verbal, and tender, he has brought me great joy. He has also given me most of my gray hair!
  • Watched the Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster live.

    Watched the Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster live.
    With 5th and 6th graders gathered around me in our classroom, we eagerly watched the lift-off of the Challenger. Of particular interest was Christa McAuliffe, the first civilian and teacher in space. It was an extremely emotional event to see the shuttle explode shortly after lift off. I don't recall how I dealt with the situation, but it was a powerful moment in my teaching career, one in which emotional shock waves went through us all.
  • Alexander Dale Wilson came into my world.

    Alexander Dale Wilson came into my world.
    With an easy labor and delivery, Alex was born into our family. What a cuddly and easy child to be with! Quiet time alone was all he needed if he was fussy. Good-natured and a buddy to all, he lives life to the fullest. He asked to be called Al. Why? Because it was easy to spell and write.
  • Received my Masters of Education from Morningside College.

    Received my Masters of Education from Morningside College.
    I earned my Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) after 18 months of studying and testing. I was a class TA and, funny to recall, I had to bring my 5-month old son Alex with me to class sometimes because I was nursing. The other students and my profs didn't mind his presence and he became special to all of us.
  • My miscarriage

    I was expecting our third child. I remember it was hot and I was coaching T-ball for my son. When the bleeding first began I was so scared. The details are vivid in my mind as I experienced a week of losing Nicholas Wade Wilson and the hospital experience of a D & C. I am crying as I write this.... yet, I have the hope of Christ that I will see my son again and that he is safely in the arms of Jesus as I write this narrative.
  • Baby Rachel Elise Wilson was born.

    Baby Rachel Elise Wilson was born.
    On Super Bowl Sunday, my little red-headed daughter came into my life. She is amazing! I am blessed to have her as my daughter, my best friend, and my sister in Christ to this day.
  • My daddy died

    My daddy died
    "Apple", my dad, died in 2002 at the age of 80. He was quite a character! I always knew that my dad worked very hard to provide for his family; it was important for him because he grew up in an extremely poor family during the depression. Dad was in the navy and very proud of it. He taught me to dance and all about auctions. It was my pleasure to have him live with my family the last several months of his life.
  • Marriage to my life partner - Dale Friesen

    Marriage to my life partner - Dale Friesen
    What a blessing it was to marry Dale Friesen! We have a wonderful life of love, faith, adventure, and family. I always knew that I was a partner-person, and after being a single mom for a few years, God brought Dale into my life and into the lives of my/our children. He is a terrific Grandpa, too! God is good!
  • First Grandchild was born - Welcome, Beau Wilson!

    First Grandchild was born - Welcome, Beau Wilson!
    Oh, my, how my heart sings when I think of Beau. It has been a joy to watch him grow. I remember when he told me that he loved Jesus and that he had prayed to receive Christ at VBS when he was six years old. Today he loves to explore, read, and ride his skateboards. I know God has his hand on Beau and I can hardly wait to see his life unfold.
  • My mama died.

    My mama died.
    My mama was my best friend. We spent much time together since I was the baby of the family and since she cared for my children. She also lived with us for several months after she took a fall in her later years. She died at 87. When I got the call from the nursing home, I finally understood the kind of pain that the Bible speaks of when there was much wailing in the land of the Israelites.
  • Became Mountain Lake Christian School's first Lead Teacher.

    Became Mountain Lake Christian School's first Lead Teacher.
    It was humbling to have the staff request my assignment to Lead Teacher for grades PreK - 12. I rejected the first request by my administrator because I wasn't ready to go full-time again; but when the offer came around again a couple of months later, I felt God's approval of accepting the position. I felt unprepared for the challenges, but quickly found a rhythm to my work. I am grateful to my co-workers and administrator for seeing in me more than I was able to see in myself.
  • Megan joins the family.

    Megan joins the family.
    Our son Al married Megan Barge on June 28, 2014. They make the sweetest couple. I love weddings! I am looking forward to more grandchildren. (wink)
  • Trip(s) to NYC to see daughter Rachel while attending The King's College in Manhattan.

    Trip(s) to NYC to see daughter Rachel while attending The King's College in Manhattan.
    I traveled to NYC three times during Rachel's college experience in NYC. She was studying journalism and had a marvelous internship with an online magazine for women entrepreneurs. We love the theater, so we spent several nights enjoying Broadway shows and eating in amazing restaurants. It was a terrific spending time with her in the Big Apple. It was even a delight when we were snowed in at our hotel.
  • Silas is born into our family!

    Silas is born into our family!
    Little boys are such precious gifts to a grandma. When Silas was just a few days old, while I was holding him, he reached up, touched my cheek, and looked me squarely in the eye. I melted! He is always on the move and loves to chase the dogs. I look forward to my Silas-sitting times.
  • Took position as first female Principal at Mountain Lake Christian School

    Took position as first female Principal at Mountain Lake Christian School
    As the administration and board restructured the school using a middle school model (gr. 6-8), I was assigned the position of PreK - 8 Principal. While my tasks did not change too much, it was a milestone for our conservative rural school.
  • Began my Doctoral Program at Bethel.

    Began my Doctoral Program at Bethel.
    I was answering God's call on my life when I contacted Bethel to learn more about their K-12 Educational Leadership Doctoral Program and administrative licensure. I began the program with a summer residency in July, 2017. I do not know what God has in store for me, but I will be obedient. I see this as an opportunity to leave an educational legacy for the women of my family. The courses are both challenging and inspiring.
  • Baptism in Fish Lake

    Baptism in Fish Lake
    I became a believer in Jesus Christ as a teen but wasn't baptized by immersion until the summer of 2017. Our newly-planted church held their first baptism in June and I, literally, took the plunge. My husband baptized me; it was an incredibly meaningful experience. I was so happy to publicly acknowledge Jesus as my savior and Lord.
  • Gathering Ministries is born.

    Gathering Ministries is born.
    My husband and I started a church with three other couples in Feb. of 2017. It was an outgrowth of our couples' study. It is an amazing story about God and His faithfulness. As of August, 2018, Gathering Church has an average attendance of 160 people. Our focus is threefold: relevant message, vibrant worship, and engaging children's ministries. In Dec. 2017 we purchases a bar/restaurant along Highway 60 in Bingham Lake, MN, and are renovating it. What a ride of faith and provision.
  • 4,000 Mile Road Trip

    4,000 Mile Road Trip
    My husband and I spent 11 days on the road travelling to California and back. We took the northern route to get there and a southern route to return. We camped some nights and stayed in hotels on other nights. We visited the Grand Canyon and the Royal Gorge. Our main purpose was to see my East Coast relatives, especially my 87 year old uncle. Dale and I had a great time together. I have to admit that I slept a lot and that he drove about 54 of the 60 hours. What a wonderful husband!
  • Beginning my 11th year of coaching competitive speech through MSHSL.

    Beginning my 11th year of coaching competitive speech through MSHSL.
    Who knew I would love coaching speech so much? Not me! It was at the promptings of my daughter and her friend eleven years ago that I took the plunge. It has blossomed into a passion of mine. I started our team with little to no experience in the speech world, but have since taken three students to state and have had two state champions. What a wonderful ride!
  • More Grandbabies!

    I love my grandsons. I am looking forward with great joy and anticipation to being active in the lives of future grandchildren. Our son and his wife want children and so does our daughter (she currently has a wonderful beau). We hear wedding bells and the giggles of babies in the future.
  • Superintendent of a Great School

    I believe that God is calling me to become a superintendent. It may be in a Christian school, but He may call me back into the public school arena. I want to be ready for whatever it is that He has in store for me. I want to be obedient to His call on my life.
  • Earn my Doctorate

    I have set the goal of 2022 as my year of completing my dissertation. While I understand it could take longer, I believe that once I receive my license as a superintendent, I will need to have a goal date in mind so that I do not become overly absorbed in the job of leading a school district.
  • Published Writer of children's books or children's story blog

    So many stories run through my mind, many of which I have jotted down on napkins and notebook paper. I see myself as an author of children's books. There are a couple of themes that really tug at my creative juices.