Birth of Simon Bolivar
On July 4 1783, Simon Bolivar was born in Caracas, Venezuela. His parents died when he was a child and he inherited a fortune. As a young man, he traveled in Europe. -
Simon and the patriots
In 1810 Simon Bolivar joined the group of patriots that seized Caracas in Venezuela and proclaimed independence from Spain. He went to Great Britain in search of aid. But all he got was kicked out and was told to never come back. -
Simon´s victory
But in 1813 Simon Bolivar returned to Venezuela, and took command of a patriot army, recapturing Caracas from the Spaniards. -
Simon's Loss
In 1814 Royalist forces defeated Simon Bolivar, and he went into exile in Jamaica. -
Simon the ruller
In 1817 Simon Bolivar again invaded Venezuela. He established government at Angostura and he was elected president of Venezuela. -
Simon wins again
August 7, 1819 Simon won the against the Spanish in the Battle of Boyaca. -
He is back!!!
December 17, 1819 Simon Bolivar returned to Angostura and became the first president of the original republic of Colombia -
Simon Storming In
In 1821 Simon Bolivar marched into Ecuador and added that territory to the new Colombian republic. -
Simon claimed Ecuador
In 1821 Simon Bolivar marched into Ecuador and added that territory to the new Colombian republic. -
He wins
In 1821 the Battle of Carabobo is when Simon Bolivar defeats the royalists outside of Caracas. -
Simon is coming in
In 1824 Simon Bolivar led the revolutionary forces of Peru in their fight for independence and won a victory over the Spaniards at Auacucho. -
Simon Bolivar Death
But Sadly on December 17,1830 Simon Bolivar died in Santa Mara, Colombia.