Semester 2

  • Feb 3, 1054

    The Great Schism 5

    The catholic church plit into the Roman Catholic church and the greek Orthidox church after arguing whether the Filioque should be used. Important because it was the first split of the church.
  • Dec 25, 1066

    William the Conquerer conquers England 6

    William king of Normandy conquers England. Important because he transformed the english anguage by combining it with French
  • Aug 6, 1096

    The "peoples Crusades" begin 10

    Soldiers left on crusades, religopus wars, to reclaim Jerulalem and the holy land for the Ctholic church. Important because it established conflict between the christian and muslim worlds
  • Feb 3, 1347

    The Plague Begins 4

    The bubonic plague begins to spread throughout Europe killing 1 in 3 people. It was spread by fleas and rats. Important because academic advacements declined.
  • Jan 8, 1415

    Portugal siezes Ceuta 13

    Portugal seized Ceuta on the North African Coast. Important because it inspires princr henry to map the African Coast.
  • Feb 3, 1425

    Joan of Arc has Visions 3

    Joan at age of 13 begins to state that she has visions of Saint Margert, Micheal, and Cathrine. Important because she later leads the French army to many victorious battles against England.
  • Feb 3, 1431

    Joan of Arc dies 1

    Joan is burned at stake for alleged witchcraft and hersery. Important because it shows the rivalry between freance and Europe and england depserality to stop the french.
  • Mar 26, 1485

    Hernan Cortez

    A spanish conquesator that conquered the Aztec People. Important becuase his treatment towards the Aztecs showed how the reconquista deseneitized spanish people. Also shows how spanish weapons could conquer people.
  • Feb 5, 1488

    The Cape of Good Hope 14

    Bartholomeu Dias sails around the tip of South Aftrica. Important because it opened up a sea route to Asia
  • Mar 25, 1492


    A 700 year war where the spanish drove the muslims out of spain. Important becuase it gave the spanish the mindset and military technology to conquer the Americas
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbuus sails the Ocean Blue in 1492 (17)

    Columbus sails to what he thinks is India to map new land a fufill the King and Queen of Spains wanting for wealth and the spread of Chrisitanity. Important because he discovered The Americas and would eventually lead to the slaughter of native americans.
  • May 8, 1493

    Pope Alexander VI Splits the world. 18

    The pope looking to solve disputes splits the world in two zones, Spains zone and Portugal Zone. Each country had the right to explore "unclaimed" land in their zone. Important because it solved the dispute at the time
  • Feb 5, 1497

    Vasco da Gama sails to Calicut 15

    Vasco sailed with four ships around the Cape of Hope. Many of his men died of scurvy, hunger, and thirst. Important because it was the first trading between Portugal and India.
  • Feb 7, 1502

    Da Gama returns to India 16

    When vasco returned with a new fleet he forced calicut to sign a treaty of Friendship, then left portugal merchants to buy spices at a low price and keep them till the next fleet returned. Important because it started a massive trade empire
  • Dec 5, 1507

    The Americas are named

    A german Cartographer read reports written by Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci. He later named them after Amerigo. Important because it gives names to the unknown areas.
  • Feb 10, 1511

    Albuquergue takes Malacca

    Portugese leader Albuquerque takes Malacca and slaughters the cities muslims. Important because it made Europeans hated and feared
  • Feb 3, 1517

    Protestant Reformations 11

    Martin luther wrote 95 theses on the rules the church should follow, this gained followers who were against the corruption of the Ctholic church. Important because is created a new branch of christianity,
  • Nov 20, 1520

    Magellan and the Pacific Ocean 20

    Magellan set of with five ships to find the pacific ocean after sailing for months he finally fines it. Important cause it was the first time any one sailed to the Pacific Ocean
  • Mar 3, 1547

    King Henry VIII creates the Anglican Church 2

    Henery wanted to divorce his wofe but his religion di d not allow it and the pope would not anol it so he split from the churhc and created the Anglican church. Important becuase it is the start of a religous controversy in England
  • May 3, 1547

    Edward gains power 7

    10 year old Edward gains power after his fathers death due to him being the only son. Important because Edwards advisors were protestant so edward passed a parliment to reform england and make it more protestant.
  • Mar 30, 1550

    France Golden Age

    The golden age was a period where arts and litature flurished in france, Important becuase it led to dances and famous art pieces to be cretaed
  • May 19, 1553

    Bloody mary gains power 8

    Mary the eldest of King Henry gains power after she beheads jane, edwards chosen succesor. Mary is important because she wanted England to be Catholic and caused religous prosecution snd death by burning protestents at the stake.
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Queen Elizabeth. 9

    Elizabeth Gains power after Mary dies. Elizabeth is important because she passed the Elizabethean doctrine whihc was a compromise the combined bith Protestant and Catholic into one and brought peace to England
  • Jun 9, 1560

    Protestants vs Spain

    The Protestants riot agaist the Inquesition which leads to battles that go on for decades. Important because it showed that protestents wouldnt easily fall to prosecution
  • Mar 10, 1581

    The Dutch Neatherlands

    The Protestants declared independence from Spain creating the Dutch Neatherlands. Important because it created a new state.
  • The Young King

    Nine year old Henry becomes king and is Catholic. Important because he passed the Edict of Nantes that protected Protestants
  • Japan Invades Korea (21)

    The Japanese invade korea and detroys its land. Important because it caused Korea to isolate itself from the rest of the world.
  • The muhgal empire begins to collapse

    The muhgal empire in india began to collapse and split. Important becuase it allows the EIC to play the rivals against each other.
  • Rise of the Dutch.

    The dutch created the Duch East India Company, a trade company. This is important because it brought the dutch to be a high trade power.
  • Elizabeth dies

    Queen Elizabeth dies which leads to controversy with the Parliment. iImportant because it started the domino effect that caused the civil war.
  • Window leads to revolt

    Two Protestant nobelmen threw two royal officers out of a castle window. Important because it led to a revolt in Austria Prussia
  • John Locke

    An English Philophsor who is known for his enlightenment thinking. Important becuase he created the natural rights oh philiophys and hs ideas led to the french and american revolutions
  • Japan Locks Down

    Japanese officals outlawed ships and travel by japanses citizens. They also barred westerners. Important because during this isolation Japans internal trade boomed, causing cities to grow and to familes to become wealthier.
  • The Manchu Empire

    Empire that conqured the Ming dynasty. Important becuase they built the city of Beijing
  • English Civil War: King vs. Parliment

    Civil war began between Roundheads (parliment) and Caviliars (King) leading to the calvilars winning. Important because it showed kings that there "birthright" wont protect them
  • Peace of Westphalia

    After a war between royals and nobels leads to depopulation and exhausted combatants accept a series of peace treaties known has the Peace of Westphalia. Important because it instilled democratic ides.
  • Charles II returns to England

    Charles II returns to England as King after Parliment beheaded his father. Important because it shows that thing eventually went back to normal despite disagreements between the king and parliment
  • Newtons Law of Gravity 12

    Issiac Newton writes about how gravity works after an apple falls off a tree and hits him in the head. Important because it explain phenomeons previously unknown to society
  • Peter the Great takes control

    Tsar Peter of Russia takes control of the russian government. Important becuase he wanted to westernize europe and stop their isolation
  • Russia wins agaisnt Swedes

    Russia went to war over lands near the baltic sea, so they could have a warm water port. Important because it shows russias growing power and fight to gain land
  • Britain vs Frances

    A war over trade erupted between France and Britain. Important because it brought war to the countries lands in Asia and the Americans
  • Catherine the Great gains power

    After Henry III death Catherine gains power of Russia. Important because she was a efficent energenic empress that expanded Russias borders
  • Nappoleon Bonaphart

    French Emperor who invaded most of europe after seizing political power in France. Important because he made France a reconized World Power
  • Shaka Zulu

    One of the most influential monarch of the Zulu Empire, Important because he united rival tribe to fight the boers in South Africa
  • Sierra Leone

    Sierra Leone was establishes for former slaves in West Africa. Important becuase it brought back 4th back forth genrration slaves that have never been to africa
  • Frech Revolution

    The French Revolution was started when the peasents became hungry, tired of being the only ones taxed, and began to think of more ideas on government. Important because it instilled ideas that led to other revolutions
  • Tennis Court Oath

    After being denied acess to a meeting memebers of the third estate met at a tennis court where they agreed to rebel against the French Government. Important because it was the third estates first step in organizing a government
  • Revolts against the old order

    Rebeelion sparks in the baulkin penninsula and other southern european regions. Important because Serbia win freedom and are the first to successfully rebel
  • Karl Marx

    Karl Marx was born into a upper middle class family and wrote for newspapers in germany. Important becuase he created his own version of Socialism called Marxism
  • Belgium

    Belgium becomes a free state with a liberal constitution. This is important because it shows more and more rebellions areo becoming succesful in Europe
  • Louis XVII Dies

    King Louis XVII of France dies and power goes to his brother Charles. Important because Charles restored the power over France to the King
  • A free greece

    Greece wins independence from Ottoman empire. Important because it shows thta revolts are beginning to work so more and more regions are revolting.
  • Independent Greece

    Greece wins independence from the Ottoman Empire. Important because it starts the spread of liberism through Europe
  • Victorian Age

    Longest one in britian, was honest, thrifty, respectable. Important becuase it led to a series of reforms which made british people happy, so there was no revolts
  • Marx to France

    Karl Marx moves to france and begins writing for newspapers, but is shut down due to radical ideas. Important becuase his ideas inspires lenin
  • Napoleon III takes power

    Napoleon III was a fake, he promised a provisional government but gave a dictatorship and was an inept military leader. Important becuase his terrible rule led to Frances Defeat by Otto von Bishmark
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    Sepoys rebel against the Britsh military and kill unarmed british women and children, britsh retaliate by doing the same thing. Important becuase it had many impacts, such as it changed indian culture but it also improbed medical care
  • Paris Commune

    Movement created by Communards against the governemt. The communards take and kill hostages and the government executes 20,000 communards
  • Adolf Hiter

    Adolf hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria. Important because he would eventually lead Germany in WWII and started the holocausts.
  • End of Chinas Empire

    The revolution of 1911 ends the monarchy. Important becuase it leads to a "rebublic' that fails and leads to the civil war between nationalist ans communist
  • Chinas Civil War

    A civil war breaks out between nationalist and communists. Important becuase it led to Mao gaining power and he greatly transformed chinas economic world
  • March Revolution

    The Tsar abdicates and flees russia when the military refuses to protect him. Important becase it shows the soviets overthrowing monarchy
  • November Revolution

    Lenins Supporters overthrow the profisional government. Important becuase it leads to lenin becoming head of russia
  • The Holocaust

    Hitler and his Nazi campaign began the holocaust on groups he deemed undesirable. Important because it led to the genocide of Jews and other groups in europe
  • The Geat Purge

    Stalin becomes paranoid that everyone is out to overthrow him. He creates the great purge and his secret police target everyone and tortures former communist leaers to confess crimes. Important becuase 4 million people died in the Stalin Years
  • Pearl Harbor Bombing

    Japanses fighter planes bombed the naval base in Pearl Harbor. This is important becuase it was the deciding factor that brought america into WWII
  • Cultural Revolutions

    Mao wanted to have the new generation exprience the Revolution, and created the Red Gaurd. Important because teenagers shut down schools and factories and were eventually sent to work at communes and became a lost generation
  • 9.11

    A terroist attack in New York City that made the world trade centers crash down killing thousands. Important because it started tensions and chnaged america
  • America elects first African American President

    America elects Barack Obama as the first African American president, this is important because it is a huge step in showing equal rights